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    The Bondage of Atlas – Part Two


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
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    The Bondage of Atlas – Part Two Empty The Bondage of Atlas – Part Two

    Post by Neno Mon 30 Jun 2014, 7:11 pm

    The Bondage of Atlas – Part Two

    June 23, 2014

    By JC Collins

    The Bondage of Atlas – Part Two Gold-and-silver

    Read Part One

    Wealth, being security of survival, no longer drifts upon the waves of the longing sun, but is now locked into the harvest of gold and silver, both of which bring us backward so we may move forward once again.

    Since the esoteric sun is separated from the exoteric gold in the minds of man, conscious economics has no path home and the fall of man is complete.

    To fall is also to descend.  The descent of man implies an eventual ascent.  Like the philosophical question of what came first, the chicken or the egg, the arguments of reality are framed in a way to preclude any conscious awareness outside of the material self.

    The answer is neither came first as both are necessary for the existence of the other.  Through a process of evolution the egg becomes  a chicken, and as such, through a process of involution the chicken becomes an egg.  Separation, or the space between the chicken and egg, is illusionary and represents the ignorance of the material self.

    And so with man we see the same process of evolution and involution with micro separation manifested in the sperm and ovum.  Macro separation is recognized by the process from which man materializes and dematerializes in the world of the senses.

    Man’s descent into the material world is followed by a process of ascent back from whence he came.  We move backwards so we may move forward once again.

    The fragment of consciousness which the material self imprisons within the hardening of the infant skull is the micro of the macro hardening of the Earths surface, from where a larger consciousness exerts its will to create.

    Both skull and planet harden in similar methodologies of involution.  Man is forever tethered to the larger consciousness from which its own fragment has been splintered.  Through a consolidation and tightening of matter, consciousness supports the weight of an ever denser world from which there is only one path of escape – to return from the place it came.

    The Earth’s crust and mantle are also subjected to the same process of evolution and involution as they are slowly recycled back into the core and out again, the chicken and egg, both existing simultaneously.

    Man’s attempt at wealth accumulation and escape from his destiny will never be realized in the world of matter.  The physical body cannot be long or far from the Earth before the conscious fragment is dispersed like morning fog, leaving the homeless matter in the thralls of ever increasing madness.

    Real wealth, the actualization of conscious survival, for the purpose of reconciliation between evolution and involution, has been dispossessed by itself and the way back has been hidden.

    Consciousness continues to create opportunities for survival and a completion of the process.  It patiently seeks full macro reconciliation.

    Capitalism, being the closes simulation of ascending wealth, has desperately been reconfigured into socialism for the purpose of standardizing the destinies of each conscious fragment which has descended into the world of matter.

    This standardization, repeating across all sociological and religious paradigms as well, has lead the disorganized masses to be economically enslaved to a system of forever involution.  The rent seeking elite, those lost fragments seeking the hidden evolution through material wealth, have used the accumulation of human time and labor for their own benefit.  This simulation of esoteric wealth is stored in the physical gold and silver mined from the crust of the Earth, for it represents the involution which is the descent of man.

    And like the crust recycles itself, the disorganized masses desire the simulation of the process as practiced by the rent seeking elite, and both crash and fall into each other endlessly, neither discovering  the hidden path visible to all with the eyes to see.

    Conscious economics, as represented by the true wealth of the world, is best realized by the application of PrimNomics, a harvest of the gold and silver which is manifest in the hearts of man.  Only by going backwards can we once again move forward.

    The sun and the moon, which is gold and silver, are the male and female components of the esoteric self.  A reconciliation of evolution and involution is the path we must all eventually discover.  The micro and macro patterns are there for those who seek a larger understanding of existence.  Man ascends after a temporary descent into the world of matter.   – JC

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 1:36 pm