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    After a decade behind the scenes .. Sistani overlies Theater Iraqi politics

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    After a decade behind the scenes .. Sistani overlies Theater Iraqi politics Empty After a decade behind the scenes .. Sistani overlies Theater Iraqi politics

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Jul 2014, 6:02 am

    After a decade behind the scenes .. Sistani overlies Theater Iraqi politics

    Tue Jul 01 2014 01:53 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Najaf: «Middle East»

    Lying away from the city of Najaf, Baghdad palaces and luxury battles raging in northern Iraq, Fbautea mud-brick alleys and dirt do not suggest by force or influence .. but here in this city where he works most influential Iraqi clerics determined the future of Iraq.

    During the last three Friday sermons led the supreme Shiite Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani (83 years), which occupies a prominent place in the hearts of millions of Shiites in Iraq and elsewhere, a more active role in the political life in Iraq since more than ten years. It is his office which is located in one of the alleys and heavily guarded, said al-Sistani to dominate public affairs by demanding politicians to form a new government without delay, which may precipitate an end to the reign of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which lasted eight years.

    Usually preferred Sistani isolation and playing from behind the scenes, but he ascended the political theater on 13 June at the invitation of Iraqis to take up arms to counter the onslaught of militants organization «Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant (Daash)» and other organizations. That was the first of its kind fatwa in a century. The clerics say they know a way of thinking that what he called al-Sistani, for this is the fear that the state is on the brink of collapse.

    Tens of thousands of men to Sistani's call to strengthen the army, which seemed at moments on the verge of disintegration. Sistani has promised an appeal to form a government more inclusive veiled rebuke of the owners even among supporters of the prime minister. Sistani called blocs policy last Friday to choose a prime minister and a president and head of the parliament by the first of next month, which means that al-Maliki has said during the days.

    The Shiite lawmaker said: «Today the road map and clear, and there is a timetable, and if Sistani put everyone in a difficult position».

    But opinions also involve the risk of near-term and long-term. Sunni leaders say that Sistani's call to arms has fueled the conflict. On a larger scale, salutes these fatwas old question about the role of the clergy in Najaf in the affairs of the state, who are always distancing themselves from politics.

    A Western diplomat said he has a strong knowledge of the religious establishment: «issued (Sistani) has not issued a fatwa Shiites since 90 years or more. Will not back down. Wants to play a role. If the decline after the issuance of this opinion would be considered, such as the lack of responsibility for his part ». He summarized the Shiite MP who is close to Sistani situation by saying: «Sistani leads now».

    Sistani is the most revered in Najaf between the references of Najaf and four more in the reference model for Iraq. For the millions who follow him, the fatwa can not be debated.

    He says Thaer al-Khatib (56 years), a cloth merchant working in the street, which is located where the shrine of Imam Ali al-Sistani's fatwa has saved the country.

    Maliki became under pressure, may be the immediate result of the intervention of Sistani is accelerating the process of forming a new government - a process that took about nine months, the last time in 2010 - which may precipitate an end to the reign of al-Maliki.

    Did not leave Sistani's call last Friday for the politicians to choose the Prime Minister by the first of July next, doubt that the crisis led him to take over his apparent since the early days of the American occupation when pressure in 2004 in order to hold early elections and a referendum on the Constitution and culminated in his efforts success.

    The move puts pressure on Maliki, who cast him many Iraqis and Western officials blame for the marginalization of Kurds, Sunnis, and the failure to tackle the insurgency. Sistani called on to form a government that does not investigate anyone, which promise some of the characters across the Iraqi political spectrum should be an indication of the departure of al-Maliki. He said Shiite MP: «the door shut in front of al-Maliki».

    He acknowledged, another official of the ruling coalition, which belongs to him al-Maliki that the statements Sistani involving criticism of the policies of Prime Minister, but said al-Sistani does not seek to overthrow the al-Maliki, and added: «Sistani does not want to be involved in choosing the next prime minister, but should progress».

    He says Haider al-Khoei, a researcher Foundation «Chatham House» Research in London, said there was a possibility not enough scolding al-Sistani, the United States and Iran to overthrow the al-Maliki because he is well versed in the political game in Iraq. He adds: «Maliki can play cards more than any politician in Iraq .. If he'd wanted to be, I think it would be he'd».

    Perhaps this is the volatility of the reasons why the clergy are reluctant to intervene directly in the chaos of political life in Iraq. Compared to the past, al-Sistani may seek to maintain this distance in the long run.

    He cited Farhan al-Saadi, a cleric and professor of Najaf, a scene from the novel «Don Quixote» in describing the approach that is followed by senior clerics against the state. The ruler, a knight in Miguel Cervantes novel, the holder of the shield should not issue a lot of decisions and that the decisions issued by the carefully considered.

    Saadi said that if the intervention of any religious authority in every crisis occur either on the border or energy, just to once again become a politician.

    But clerics say the situation is now urgent, Fjtt soldiers killed by gunmen up periodically to Najaf to accommodate a large cemetery includes graves with pictures of the men who were killed in the sectarian war that broke out between 2006 and 2007. During this period of conflict and the U.S. occupation entire Sistani called for restraint, while many clerics younger and more radical, such as Muqtada al-Sadr, a Shiite crowd to fight and sometimes ridicule from the cautious habit which one persists adults.

    Said Ali al-Najafi, the son of another reference from the references of Najaf, said that «the difference lies in that organization (Daash) now represents a threat to the existence of the Shiites in Iraq, they are armed better than the Sunni groups earlier, and Admon in the list of allies members of the regime of former President Saddam Hussein ». Najafi believes that Sistani's fatwa revived the morale of the army after it appeared that the insurgency is about to invade Baghdad. He added that he did not object to U.S. forces launched air strikes did not oppose join Shi'ite militias to fight to eliminate «Daash» as long as it is legal. Najafi said that «the militants pose a threat to the existence of Iraq, a threat to the Shiites in general and non-Shiites also».

    But Sunni figures that you see danger in the active role played by al-Sistani now is that it may deepen the sectarian dimension of the conflict. Said Sheikh Ahmed al-Qubaisi of the channel «Arab» Sistani ordered his followers now wear camouflage uniforms and fight of the year. Mufti also condemned the Iraqi lifter Rifai fatwa wondering: «Where Sistani was when the United States occupied Iraq?».

    Supporters say that Sistani's call to arms carefully worded so that it refers to all Iraqis, not only Shiites, though «Daash» is who wants to convert it into a sectarian issue.

    The pay-Hakim that the fatwa is probably already contributed in reducing the likelihood of a bloodbath because they encouraged people to fight within the framework determined by the state rather than take matters into their own hands. But critics say that the fatwa was granted legitimacy to the Shiite militias that operate outside the law. He acknowledged Haider Nazar, a professor in Najaf, that the fatwa has fueled sectarian feelings, but he argued that the biggest advantages of disadvantages, pointing out that the alternative is the collapse of the state.

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