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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    07~05~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    07~05~2014 Horoscopes  Empty 07~05~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 05 Jul 2014, 2:24 pm

    You are at your mental best with sharp ideas and clear thoughts. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of mental work. Personal matters you have put off these last few weeks can now be completed. You feel a love of order and law–an appreciation for responsibilities and duty. Everything conspires to value and bring out your unique and unusual qualities. You could come up with new solutions. You may find yourself a tutor to a young person this evening. This could involve some musical instrument or some new technique. This evening may bring about some opportunities to stop and reflect and understand your own situation, just how you feel about yourself. Time with your loved ones is refreshing.

    You draw emotional nourishment and a sense of security from ideals, friends and social involvement now. You may be helping friends most of this day. Perhaps your friends are moving this weekend or you will lend a helping hand in some project that your friends want to start. You work in a team effort very well and may find this the perfect opportunity to get to know your friends better. General good feelings and a sense of harmony make this a happy time. You could be most persuasive with others and the day just seems to present a natural time for self-expression. There is an exchange of ideas about hobby trends and concepts. Expect a sense of support from those around you. A good conversation with those you love is possible.

    Being more in touch with your roots is a keynote of the cycle that now takes hold in your life. This has to do with feelings, but it’s more than that: it’s about making the things you feel and care about a reality. At some levels, this means a greater focus on family life–parents, children, relatives, the whole domestic scene. On a somewhat broader scale, you are likely to find yourself interested in real-estate property. Nurturing is where it’s at in your life now: making things grow and taking care of them, planting seeds that will develop and survive far into the future–that’s what it’s all about for you at this time. This evening a gathering of friends can be enjoyed. You could find yourself enchanting others with your imagination and stories.

    The world just seems to click this morning. There may be an opportunity to communicate with a teenager or parent today, when there may have been difficulty making yourself understood in the past. The effort that you or another person has put forth to heal and grow shows great success. Close relationships take on more depth, power and importance now. Learning what makes people tick is a pastime you seem to enjoy, not necessarily to pry, but for lessons and a feeling of universality. Your instinctive orientation at this time is toward getting down to what is most important–making your ideas work. Appreciating things of value also plays a bigger role in your life. This can be a financially favorable period.

    Teaching or taking a class in some form of creative art is fun and keeps your attention most of this day. An opportunity to drop in on garage sales or perhaps a flea market gives you a chance to observe the demands and interests of the public. You can pattern your art sales around similar items that grab people’s attention. If you are working a garage sale or actually working in a retail shop, you will easily draw in the customers. You have a natural ability to use emotions in productive ways. Each day, each hour and every instant, you are choosing what you want to look upon, the sound you want to hear and the witnesses to what you want to be the truth for you. You may decide to relax with a book or chat with a friend this evening–your choice.

    In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best this morning. Everyone seems to have their responsibilities and errands to run but there is time later today to bring people together in an atmosphere of fun and camaraderie. You may have decided on a vegetable garden for this summer. Today is a good time to tend that garden–you will have plenty of help. You may decide to begin one of those mulching containers. A heightened interest in health and diet may create in you the desire to plant vegetables along with the other plantings. Family or friends come together this evening for fun and games. This evening is a good time for a barbecue and to try your hand at some sort of low-fat homemade ice cream.

    Your broadmindedness seems to create a save-the-world type of mindset. Perhaps you will want to check out some volunteer group or in some way help refugees from another country. You can influence and encourage others to do this type of volunteer work as well. Your inner resources and emotions are accented. As you probably know by now, you are a pioneer and leader. You can expect a sense of support and goodwill from family and friends for whatever you want to involve yourself with at this time. There is talk with a sibling about dieting or health care–yours or others’. New techniques only bring you back to the healthy meals, less fat solution. You may decide to add two protein breaks during the day to keep your energy up and cut the hunger urges.

    You tend to avoid getting personal when it comes to your own emotions and would rather keep sensitive matters at arm’s length. You do not mind getting into the personal business of others, if they need counseling. It is easy for you to be helpful and no worries about you repeating information would come into question. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. General good feeling and a sense of support and harmony make this a happy time. If you are shopping this afternoon, remember that you do not have to rush. Later today you may decide a theme change is in order for your home. You tend to be very traditional and you could find yourself changing to a ranch or southwest style.

    You may have been thinking about a proposal that was offered to you recently. Perhaps a community office or service is something you could add to your special talent just now. This may mean serving a political office or just walking around to get people to sign a petition. You will be able to make a positive difference even if you only take a small amount of time to act on this now. You could even have a special gift for spanning the generation gap, bringing older and younger spirits together. A lifelong trait of yours is to help with lost animals, needy children, and the oppressed. There may be a special program to encourage others to adopt abandoned animals, or some other similar activity may be where your energies are used today.

    Although you have a hard time parting with your collections, you will be determined in becoming more organized today. You aim to have a place for everything. Perhaps you have decided not to have a garage sale at this time. You have ways in which to express your creative side. You have great creative talent and may gain some insight into a project that could bring in some additional income to your family. Ideas about some science fiction story, or at the least, the beginning of an outline for a story is possible. Words and thoughts sort of magically appear, illuminating whatever subject is at hand. You really do have very different ideas and ways of expressing them. Your home environment will reap the reward of your loving care.

    Most of your day consists of helping others. You will discover new ways to communicate and interact with others. You may find yourself more talkative and easygoing than usual. Perhaps you are giving a lecture, or performing as a guide for others. An informative dialogue with an older person may take place today. Learning what people like and what they don’t like turns on your curiosity; you love watching people and the interaction between friends and lovers. Your instinctive orientation at this time is toward getting down to basics; healing may be a subject that is becoming more interesting to you and learning new ways to lead others and solve problems is most mind grabbing. You like to solve puzzles and dilemmas, and you love to compete.

    Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself unfairly treated. Remember that when you find yourself feeling as though others take advantage of you, it may be because of your choice to allow these situations to happen. Learn tools of conversation that will help you deal with difficult situations–not necessarily difficult people. Try to be clear about your choices as it will save you from most tricky situations and present to you a freedom you never thought you could have. If your emotions are self-destructive, learn ways to change your outlook. You may not be happy with results of investments today–this particular opportunity may have positive energy later. Today is a reflective day rather than one of expression or action. Count your blessings.

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 11:49 pm