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    Differences between Tehran and Moscow over the nuclear deal

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Differences between Tehran and Moscow over the nuclear deal Empty Differences between Tehran and Moscow over the nuclear deal

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Jun 2021, 7:11 am

    [size=30]Differences between Tehran and Moscow over the nuclear deal
    [ltr]2021.06.28 - 08:31[/ltr]
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    The British newspaper, The Independent, in its Persian version, revealed, on Monday, serious differences between Tehran and Moscow that would affect the progress of the nuclear negotiations in Vienna, whose seventh round is expected to begin next week.  
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    An informed Russian source told the newspaper, whose identity was not revealed, that "the Russians are warning Iran not to pay the costs of the Bushehr power plant located in the south of the country," adding that "the serious differences between Tehran and Moscow affect the Vienna talks."  
    Russian officials recently cracked down on Iranian officials in several meetings, and warned against paying for the Bushehr plant, according to the newspaper's report.  
    The Russian source explained that “the dispute may affect the nuclear talks in Vienna,” noting that “some in Russia expect Iran to show more flexibility in Vienna, especially since US President Joe Biden clearly wants to return to the nuclear agreement, and that the continuation of the current nuclear crisis has Economic consequences for Russia and for Moscow’s relations with Washington.”  
    The source pointed to Moscow's stubbornness in its new position regarding the conditions of the Syrian civil war and the economic competition between Iran and Russia in that country, and the recent meeting between Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva.  
    On the other hand, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, said in an interview with the Iranian "Khaneh Mellat" news agency, on Sunday, that the slowdown in the construction and completion of the Bushehr second and third stations is due to financial problems.  
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