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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An Economist Proposes Solutions To Control The Phenomenon Of High Prices

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An Economist Proposes Solutions To Control The Phenomenon Of High Prices Empty An Economist Proposes Solutions To Control The Phenomenon Of High Prices

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Mar 2022, 6:24 am

    [size=38]An Economist Proposes Solutions To Control The Phenomenon Of High Prices
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    LAST UPDATE 03/07/2022 | 1:48 PM
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    Information / Baghdad..
    The economist, Nabil Al-Ali, affirmed, on Monday, that the government is able to control the phenomenon of high prices of basic foodstuffs that enter the daily life of the citizen, while he put forward several points that can be applied to get out of the phenomenon that has become troubling the citizen.
    Al-Ali said in a statement to / the information /, that "Iraq is a rich country and has great potential in terms of financial capacity as well as in the agricultural sector, but it lacks planning and exploitation of its financial and human resources in a correct and orderly manner."
    He added that "the phenomenon of high food and basic food prices facing the Iraqi people, the government can overcome it if it implements a number of the following measures."
    He added, "One of the immediate and quick solutions is for the government to remove customs duties on food commodities and goods for at least a year, and to open the door for import greatly, while facilitating the granting of import licenses in relation to foodstuffs only, emphasizing the quality, validity and origin of imported materials."
    He explained that "the government must improve the vocabulary of the ration card and the flow of it to the citizen at specific monthly times, but the most important solution is to deliver the rights of farmers quickly, which will encourage the farmer to increase his production of barley and wheat with chemical support."
    Ali pointed out that "on the medium and long term, the governorates specialized in the production of yellow corn and sunflowers, which are used as basic materials in the production of edible oil, should be encouraged, and the private sector should be stimulated and supported by the establishment of factories specialized in the production and manufacture of foodstuffs." Ended / 25 AD
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