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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    "Corruption, manipulation and theft"... Parliamentary agriculture threatens peasant associations wit

    Admin Assist
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    "Corruption, manipulation and theft"... Parliamentary agriculture threatens peasant associations wit Empty "Corruption, manipulation and theft"... Parliamentary agriculture threatens peasant associations wit

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Apr 2023, 8:13 am

    "Corruption, manipulation and theft"... Parliamentary agriculture threatens peasant associations with legal accountability
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad  
    Today, Sunday, a member of the Parliamentary Agriculture and Water Committee, Ibtisam al-Hilali, accused the head of agricultural associations of corruption, wasting public money, and stealing employee salaries. 
    Al-Hilali stated, in a statement received by (Baghdad Today), that "there are many files of administrative and financial corruption, waste of public money, tampering with the union's real estate, and the theft of employee salaries in the Union of Peasant Associations."
    She added, "We will, in the coming days, submit all files of administrative and financial corruption and waste of public money to the Integrity Commission to take legal measures against the head of the Union of Peasant Associations and some members and employees of the Union." 
    And Al-Hilali continued, "The officials in the federation gave themselves illegal legitimacy, manipulated property and public money, and stole it in broad daylight."
    Earlier, the Federal Integrity Commission, based on a judicial decision, demanded the Union of Agricultural Associations in Iraq, to ​​state the legal basis for the survival of the "complainant Haider Abdel Wahed" as president of the union despite the discriminatory decision of the Rusafa Court of Appeal .
    The elections of the peasant associations witnessed controversy and their integrity was challenged by many deputies and legal authorities, after Abdel Wahed won the position of president of the associations, despite the legal problems surrounding him, and the integrity of the association elections and his winning of the position .
    At a time when the agricultural sector suffers from many problems, observers believe that handing over the fate of the farmers, who number about 3 million citizens in Iraq, to ​​a figure whose biography and legal status are questionable, will double the deterioration of the agricultural sector and the situation of farmers.
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