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    The full story of Kurdistan's obstruction of the budget law...and revealing Barzani's direct role

    Admin Assist
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    The full story of Kurdistan's obstruction of the budget law...and revealing Barzani's direct role Empty The full story of Kurdistan's obstruction of the budget law...and revealing Barzani's direct role

    Post by Rocky Tue May 30, 2023 6:02 am

    The full story of Kurdistan's obstruction of the budget law...and revealing Barzani's direct role

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    Baghdad Today - translation
    (The New Arab) network revealed, in a report it published late Monday evening, details of the delay in approving the financial budget law.
    The report, which was translated by (Baghdad Today), stated that the Iraqi Kurdistan government "deliberately" obstructed the passage of the budget law as a result of its refusal of items that impose new conditions on it, including the payment of the arrears of its employees' salaries. 
    And I built that the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the central government on re-pumping Kurdish oil after it was officially stopped last month, included several conditions, including that the regional government put oil imports exported by it in an account inside the Central Bank of Iraq under the supervision of the government in Baghdad, instead of an international bank In addition to other conditions regulating the export of oil from the region and the distribution of its imports to the various sectors within the region. 
    The network said that the government of the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, "stopped" approving the budget after adding amendments from the Finance Committee that require the regional government to pay ten percent of the budget allocated to it, to pay the overdue dues of the region's employees, in addition to Barzani's "change of mind" about the status of revenues in The Central Bank of Iraq after its previous approval.
    Other amendments that Barzani also rejected and led to stopping passing the budget law, also included forcing the regional government to hand over 400,000 barrels of daily oil to the central authorities in Baghdad, in addition to non-oil revenues, which she said go to the region's budget without going through the official statements of the Iraqi government. 
    Barzani moved towards stopping the passing of the budget, which included "exploiting" one of the provisions of the internal laws of the Iraqi parliament to stop the work of the Finance Committee, as the law stipulates that the number of members of the committee does not exceed 23 members.
    Jamal Kujar, a parliamentarian for the Kurdistan Islamic Union, explained to Al-Shabaka that a decision was issued by Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shakhwan Abdullah of the Barzani party to stop the work of the committee due to its exceeding the official number, explaining that "passing the budget is now hostage to political negotiations between the regional government and Baghdad." 
    The network said that the move of the deputy speaker of the Iraqi parliament to stop the work of the committee was "an order issued by Barzani," noting that there is direct interference from Barzani in the work of the Iraqi parliament. 
    Disagreements with Baghdad and Barzani's interference in the work of the Iraqi parliament were not the only reason behind the disruption of the budget, according to the network, as last week witnessed an escalation of differences between the Kurdistan Democratic Party, to which Barzani belongs, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which supports the terms of the agreement with Baghdad, according to its description.
    The network indicated that the political solutions are "stopped" so far, stressing that the State Administration Coalition will hold an expanded meeting on Monday to deliberate on addressing the Kurdistan government's disruption of the budget law, in addition to other amendments regarding the region's share, stressing also that the non-payment of the salaries of the region's employees by the government of Erbil He will be on the negotiation table as well.
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