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    The outcomes of the meeting on the draft law approving the final accounts for the year 2012

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The outcomes of the meeting on the draft law approving the final accounts for the year 2012 Empty The outcomes of the meeting on the draft law approving the final accounts for the year 2012

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Aug 2023, 11:22 am

    [size=30]The outcomes of the meeting on the draft law approving the final accounts for the year 2012
    [ltr]2023.08.16 - 18:29[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas  
    The Parliamentary Finance Committee headed by Ahmed Mazhar, the first deputy chairman of the committee, in the presence of the members, hosted, on Wednesday, Ammar Sobhi Khalaf Al-Mashhadani, head of the Bureau of Financial Supervision and advanced staff in the Bureau, to discuss the draft law approving the final account for the year (2012).  
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    During the hosting, which was held at the committee's headquarters, (August 16, 2023), "the importance of the project in approving the final accounts of previous years was emphasized, as well as a proper discussion of reforming the tracks of preparing the state's general federal budget."  
    The head of the committee stressed "the need for joint cooperation between the committee and the Bureau whose work is related to the work of the committee, pointing to the importance of doubling efforts to settle the final accounts for the past years, noting that the goal of hosting is to include the observations and opinions of the Bureau of Financial Supervision on the draft law."  
    The committee stressed the need to activate the role of the Bureau of Financial Supervision and for its decision to be binding on all state institutions, as well as the relationship between the Bureau and the Integrity Commission, in addition to asking them about the role of the Bureau in uncovering corruption files that it audits, noting the slowdown in the final accounts process for the fiscal years. They stressed that the committee will put pressure on the government regarding the issue of the final accounts report.  
    In turn, the President of the Bureau explained that "there is joint cooperation with the Integrity Commission, pointing out that the Bureau does not have powers to interfere in judicial procedures regarding corruption files, but rather writes a report to the concerned authorities, stressing that the delay in the accounts is not borne by the Bureau, noting that the Bureau needs time In order to audit the accounts and reach sober results.  
    The head of the Bureau added that "the volume of spending for state institutions for a full year requires a great effort in order to be properly audited, indicating that the Bureau is working with double efforts to reach results for the final accounts, despite the existence of penalties facing their work."  
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