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    30,000 officers and members of the Interior Ministry were tested for drug abuse

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    30,000 officers and members of the Interior Ministry were tested for drug abuse Empty 30,000 officers and members of the Interior Ministry were tested for drug abuse

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Oct 2023, 5:21 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]30,000 officers and members of the Interior Ministry were tested for drug abuse[/size]
    • Today 11:00

    The Ministry of Interior reported, today, Monday, that about 30,000 members and officers in the ministry had been tested for drug abuse.
    The head of the Drug Examination Committee at the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Muhammad Adnan Abdullah, stated in an interview followed by the “Information” Agency, that “the numbers discovered of drug use among their ranks are “small” and do not amount to what is announced in some media and social networking sites.”
    He added, "The committee was formed on the first of last April by order of the Minister of the Interior, and its mission is to comprehensively examine the officers and employees of the Ministry of Interior, starting with the district commander or director of the department to which we are heading to the youngest member therein."
     Abdullah pointed out, “The examination mechanism is comprehensive and sudden without prior warning, with the aim of restricting the ranks and divisions, whether in traffic, rescue, or federal,” indicating that “so far, about 30,000 members and officers have been examined.”

     Regarding the discovery of cases of drug abuse among the police, the head of the Drug Examination Committee at the Ministry of Interior indicated that “the rates discovered were very small, and most of them were the wrong use of drugs such as Valium pills, and not like the rates we used to hear about.”
     Regarding the measures taken in the event of drug abuse being discovered among the ranks of officers or members, Abdullah noted that “there is an amnesty from the Minister of the Interior for anyone who turns himself in without being held accountable, and we opened the Al-Qanat Center for Psychological Treatment on Al-Qanat Street for Social Rehabilitation, which includes a medical staff specialized in this field.” To treat addicted members who surrendered themselves and subject them to treatment. 
    He explained that “the penalty is dropped from the member who used drugs, if he surrenders himself before the examination, but if we enter one of the departments and this case appears to us, he is referred to the channel center to conduct a confirmatory examination so that we do not wrong him, because there is a possibility that he took drugs, so it is done.” A test is conducted, and if it is revealed that he is using drugs, he will be referred to treatment and referred to a court to be tried on charges of drug abuse. Ended/25

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