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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for the citizen: the maturation of parliamentary committees in the current session does its s

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy for the citizen: the maturation of parliamentary committees in the current session does its s Empty Deputy for the citizen: the maturation of parliamentary committees in the current session does its s

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 Oct 2014, 5:54 am

    Deputy for the citizen: the maturation of parliamentary committees in the current session does its supervisory role

    [Baghdad - where]

    Vice predicted the parliamentary bloc of the citizen, and with the presence of the maturation of parliamentary committees in the current session of the House of Representatives.

    Slim said Shawki told all of Iraq [where] that "the parliamentary committees will do its supervisory role through contact with the ministries and service institutions and the imbalance will appear through the complaints of citizens and control over the performance of ministries and institutions."

    He added that "with the parliamentary committees are hosting two methods, interrogation and possible through which to reach a flaw in the ministry or institution concerned."

    He said the current session of Parliament differ from previous sessions due to the resentment of religious reference from the work of politicians and the government's performance, noting that "there are mature when some members of Parliament in the current parliamentary session as there was no defense for spoilers anymore."

    The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Mohsen al-Sadoun stressed that "the differences between the previous government and the parliament and the opposition has prevented accountability of corrupt officials in the government."

    Sadoun said told [where] that "the Iraqi parliament did not take legislative and supervisory role in the previous session due to disagreement with the executive branch and the continuing opposition to him, what the impact on his role in the accounting negligence of ministers."

    It is said that the previous parliament failed to pass a series of laws vital and important because of the intersections between political blocs internalized it, where he fails to approve the General Budget Law of 2014 and the Investment Law and the oil and gas law and the law of infrastructure and other Alkther.anthy 2.

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