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    Sudanese issues directives regarding the Al-Faw Refinery investment project

    Admin Assist
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    Sudanese issues directives regarding the Al-Faw Refinery investment project Empty Sudanese issues directives regarding the Al-Faw Refinery investment project

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 May 2024, 5:05 am

    Sudanese issues directives regarding the Al-Faw Refinery investment project

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed to provide full support to the company executing the Al-Faw Refinery Investment Project.
    The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani sponsored the signing ceremony of the Al-Faw Refinery Investment Project, one of the major Al-Faw Port projects, between the Ministry of Oil/Southern Refineries Company and the Chinese (CNCEC) Company.” This is part of the government’s plan to increase refining capacities in Iraq, attract foreign capital, and provide petroleum products locally.”
    Al-Sudani stressed that “the Al-Faw Integrated Refinery Project is one of the important economic projects for the country, and it supports the refining and petrochemical industries in Iraq,” urging “the Chinese company to invest time to accelerate the implementation of this project. He also directed the concerned authorities to provide full support and support to the implementing company.”
    The Prime Minister’s media office stated, “The capacity of the refinery is 300,000 barrels per day, and it will be constructed in an advanced manner, taking into account global environmental standards, and with modern technology to benefit from petroleum derivatives for the purposes of local consumption for export. It will be implemented in two phases. The first includes filtering work, while the second includes The second phase includes building a petrochemical complex with a capacity of 3 million tons annually, in addition to constructing an electrical station with a capacity of 2000 megawatts. The project also includes the establishment of the FAO Academy for Refinery Technology, to train 5,000 Iraqi cadres who will manage the refinery in the future.
    He continued, "The project will contribute to opening wide doors for local industries that rely on these materials, which will be accompanied by an increase in job opportunities for young people and graduates, as well as the possibility of achieving social benefits for developing the areas surrounding the project, building housing units, medical services, technical training centers, as well as sports centers." And social.”

    Views 9
    Added 05/15/2024 - 1:01 PM
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