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    Salaries are not guaranteed by 5% in Kurdistan and the financial situation is "worrying" - Urgent

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Salaries are not guaranteed by 5% in Kurdistan and the financial situation is "worrying" - Urgent Empty Salaries are not guaranteed by 5% in Kurdistan and the financial situation is "worrying" - Urgent

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Aug 2024, 4:28 am

    Salaries are not guaranteed by 5% in Kurdistan and the financial situation is "worrying" - Urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad Today - Erbil 
    Economic expert Farman Hussein said on Monday (August 12, 2024) that the Kurdish citizen is living in a worrying financial situation.
    Hussein explained in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the Kurdish citizen does not have a 5% guarantee that he will receive his salary, and therefore he lives in a state of constant anxiety and psychological conflict every month, as to whether he will receive his salary or not."
    He added, "The anxiety and the employee not receiving his salary on a fixed basis, as is the case with his peers in the rest of the Iraqi governorates, made him live in a state of confusion and psychological conflict, and he cannot spend with confidence, and he is always anxious, and this affected the situation of the markets and the economic movement in all the cities of the region."
    An informed source revealed, on Thursday (August 8, 2024), the main reason behind the delay in disbursing employees’ salaries in the Kurdistan Region.
    The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the main reason behind the delay in paying salaries is the new appointments and contracts made by the regional government, which caused a significant increase in the total amount of salaries."
    He added that "the Federal Ministry of Finance decided to delay sending the amount until the lists are verified, and also to investigate and discuss the reasons for the increase, because the new amounts for employee salaries exceeded one trillion dinars, while the previous amount was less than 950 billion dinars."
    Employees in the Kurdistan Region were exposed to a state of confusion regarding receiving salaries and their dates, which negatively affected the economic situation in the region, according to the employees.
    The salaries of employees in the region were delayed for several months before the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government reached a settlement regarding them, which ended with the employees there localizing their salaries and the disbursement being made from Baghdad, to ensure that they reach them without interference from the authorities in the region.
    Recently, there has been an atmosphere of mistrust between the federal government and the regional government, which has led to a delay in the payment of salaries, in addition to Baghdad conducting an audit of employees there.
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