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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Resources identifies the locations of groundwater reservoirs and confirms their investment to irriga

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Resources identifies the locations of groundwater reservoirs and confirms their investment to irriga Empty Resources identifies the locations of groundwater reservoirs and confirms their investment to irriga

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Aug 2024, 5:14 am

    Resources identifies the locations of groundwater reservoirs and confirms their investment to irrigate 4 million acres

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    One of the water projects in Iraq. "Internet"

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Ministry of Water Resources confirmed, on Sunday, that groundwater has taken on its importance and essential role due to the country's impact on climate change and the lack of imports of Tigris and Euphrates water. While specifying the locations of its reservoirs, it confirmed that it would provide water to 4 million dunums of the agricultural plan for last year.

    The Director General of the General Authority for Groundwater in the Ministry, Maitham Khadir, said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "groundwater has taken on its importance and role in recent years due to the country's impact on climate change and the lack of imports of Tigris and Euphrates water, so farmers and investors have turned to the desert, using groundwater to grow food crops, especially wheat, because it represents food security."

    Khadir added that "the agricultural plan for groundwater in 2023 amounted to four million dunums, and surface water does not exceed one and a half million dunums," indicating that "most silos and stores depend on groundwater for the current agricultural season." 

    He continued, "Groundwater is underground reservoirs, some of which are renewable and others are non-renewable. Iraq's eastern regions bordering Iran are always characterized by renewable reservoirs, while the desert reservoirs in the southern and western deserts of Iraq, Anbar Governorate, Najaf, Karbala, Muthanna, and Basra, are mostly non-renewable." He pointed out that "the withdrawal is through wells after supplying the Ministry of Agriculture using modern irrigation techniques."

    He pointed out that "there are monitoring wells distributed in all areas or important reservoirs in the western desert, including the Dammam reservoir, Bai Hassan reservoir, Muqdadiyah reservoirs, and various reservoirs. All climate changes have affected the difference in the rainfall line and the lack of rain in agricultural areas that used to depend permanently on areas of part of Salah al-Din, Kirkuk, and the largest part of Mosul. Currently, wells are being dug supplementarily to compensate for the shortage caused by rain."

    Added 2024/08/11 - 7:20 PM
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