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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sources: Representatives of the year, McCain threatened to resort to Iran if it delayed assistance d


    Posts : 5315
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Sources: Representatives of the year, McCain threatened to resort to Iran if it delayed assistance d Empty Sources: Representatives of the year, McCain threatened to resort to Iran if it delayed assistance d

    Post by wciappetta Tue 30 Dec 2014, 6:34 am

    Sources: Representatives of the year, McCain threatened to resort to Iran if it delayed assistance during the 90-minute meeting

    Translation Ahmed Alaa 

    Threatened tribal Sunni areas of Iraq resorting to Iran if Washington had not fulfilled its promises about access to full military support in their fight against al "Daash."

    The warning came during a meeting with Senate US Senator and Majority Leader John McCain, who inadvertently Iraq for a short visit last week. McCain met with a number of Iraqi MPs and representatives of the Sunni areas of the provinces of Anbar, Salahuddin and Diyala, as well as representatives of the Baghdad belt areas to discuss the proposed plans in the face of the organization, "Daash." 

    Year of Representatives Benoit Senator McCain, that the elimination of the "Daash" is providing three axes, which is to send US ground troops to Iraq, and arming tribal fighters, and to provide funds for disbursement of salaries tribes fighter, and this matter can edit areas rapidly from the grip of the "Daash." 

    According to leaked comments from Sunni figures, the tribal leaders have become disgruntled today to delay support US to them, and they began to think seriously searching for alternatives to the financing arms of the current war. The first of these options in front of them, is to resort to Iran for help in freeing their areas of militants organization. 

    He revealed a senior Iraqi lawmaker, refused to disclose his name, he was taken to the American senator intention anti-al "Daash" cooperation with Iran to fill the big security vacuum in their areas, adding tribes The tribe has already opened a channel dialogue with Iran, and that the latter agreed to provide them with weapons, money and support without conditions, according to his statement to "Al Jazeera Net" Pencchth English. 

    and see those tribes that Iran's role is mainly present in the war against "Daash", as well as it's on Ready to meet military assistance evidence they responded to the invitation of the Iraqi government when asked to assist in giving the advice of the security forces, especially after reports that the intention of the organization carry out an attack on Baghdad belt areas. 

    It was the leaders of the Iranian army who accompanied the Iraqi forces and Shiite support for the army a vital role in regain control of the border towns such as Jalawla and Saadia in Diyala province, and the rock cliff south of Baghdad. 

    According to Iranian officials, Tehran has provided weapons to Iraqi forces to fill the shortfall Batadha, as well as providing them with live ammunition in recent times and assistance to the Peshmerga forces in the liberation of a few areas of control insurgents. 

    He says a Sunni member, attended the meeting with US Senator, McCain offered nothing in his visit, His presence was limited to listening to the audience no more. And tribal leaders expressed their dissatisfaction with the year of US policy towards them, considering that the United States of double dealing with the issue of Iraq. They demanded at the same time the same assistance enjoyed by Kurdish forces in the past months. 

    The MP Salah al-Jubouri, the Sunni tribes quoted US Senator intention to seek help from Iran after despaired of the Americans in the war against "Daash", demanding the transfer of this intention in letter to the US administration . 

    Jubouri and pointed out that the meeting was "a realistic and frank" with McCain, despite the continuation of a period of 90 minutes at the home of House Speaker Salim al. 

    and asked Sunni leaders who met with US Senator to press the US administration to the Iraqi government in the formation of units, "National Guard" The long-awaited, and arming Iraqi tribes Almentvdh against "Daash" with the survival of the Shiite militias Kurdish military units far from the Sunni areas. 

    A prominent Sunni member who refused to be named, said "the United States can put pressure on the Iraqi government in the formation of National Guard units, but does not want it, as well as the ability to put pressure on Baghdad also to arm the tribes, but they also do not want it, and they want to keep the conflict persists to sort out the most effective and influential Iraqi street power. " 

    He indicated that the US Senator John McCain was held in the American Embassy held a press conference last Saturday, in which he said told reporters that "the United States will train and equip rebelling tribal fighters who will be part of the planned units of the National Guard to protect them Anbar." He added that the Iraqi government, in turn, will train and arm some 4,000 tribal fighters later part of the agreement with the United States and Iraq in this regard.

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