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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Political breakthrough begin moving the "general amnesty" and reconciliation between al-Maliki and a


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    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Political breakthrough begin moving the "general amnesty" and reconciliation between al-Maliki and a Empty Political breakthrough begin moving the "general amnesty" and reconciliation between al-Maliki and a

    Post by wciappetta Mon 23 Nov 2015, 1:44 pm

    Ought to return to fast pace of reforms moving forward...The timing is interesting as things are picking up the pace recently.

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    Maliki and al-Abadi al-Jubouri and Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)
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    Editor: AZ 2015/11/22 20:57 Number of Views: 2062 


    Long-Presse / Baghdad

    After two weeks of receipt of the Prime Minister of the list of dental conditions in exchange for supporting the government's reforms, Haider al-Abadi sent the revised version of the General Amnesty Law to the parliament.

    Law and in spite of objections about its provisions,
    but it is one of the most important part of the political agreement the terms of which Jmdth reforms launched by the Prime Minister in August, along with other national laws Kahars, accountability and justice packs.

    And attribute the leading role in the rule of law re-controversial move files within the House of Representatives to the last meeting of the three presidencies. Stressing that the presidencies agreed to legislation laws contentment send letters to political parties concerned.

    In recent times, it fell dramatically wave of criticism, which affected Abadi from the outskirts of opposition within the Shiite alliance.

    And returning the truce efforts, according to members of the Dawa Party to repeated in the party and the ruling bloc meetings and the adoption of the Prime Minister again on the "state of law" to push reforms.

    Abadi and pay its partners and other political forces to resentment conducted after the changes were described as "unconstitutional", were not consulted about it.

    And it reached the height differences threatened while 60 deputies in the state law, the withdrawal of a parliamentary mandate for Abadi, and Omhloh 72 hours to answer questions they gave him.

    But this escalation retreat after a meeting of the Dawa party and the parties in the rule of law agreed to stop the escalation and to form a committee to resolve differences between al-Maliki and al-Abadi that have not adhered to by the parties.

    The move to the prime minister held a rare meeting with the Sunni coalition parties on the same day of the parliamentary vote to uphold the legislative its powers. This meeting was followed by a surprise visit to Najaf Abadi, where he met with religious references with the exception of al-Sistani. He also met also both of cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and guide the Virtue Party, Sheikh Mohammed al-Yacoubi.

    Citizen: the right time

    MP says vegetative Hamid, head of the citizen's parliamentary bloc,
    "The government has sent a general amnesty law and to Parliament that accelerates legitimizes," pointing out that "if the law of political consensus, the legislation will now be found in a timely manner."

    House and a bone of contention between the Union of Forces National Alliance on 14 exception contained in a general amnesty, which has been postponed more than once law.

    Parliamentary Legal Committee estimates there are more than 30 thousand prisoners in Iraqi prisons, which may include the bulk of this number of provisions of the law.

    And it passed a law in the Council of Ministers last June with difficulty, after intercepting three votes and the fourth reservation. After intense disagreement within the ministerial meeting on the law, to resolve the matter and Abadi hired advisers to modify some of the paragraphs in the final moments.

    Abadi begins to answer

    In turn, says Khaled Mafraji, leader of the coalition forces, in connection with the (range),
    that "the recent political movement led by the prime minister with Sunni forces had begun now clear by sending a general amnesty law."

    He added that the mass Mafraji "Abadi agreed with the need to pass a general amnesty and the National Guard as well as the Justice and Accountability Act, which was part of the conditions for approval to participate in the current government." He favored the MP from Kirkuk to witness the coming period put the rest of the laws that need to "political consensus seems possible today."

    The Union forces pass the law as a gateway to enter the national reconciliation. The largest Sunni bloc made, two weeks ago, a list of seven demands as a condition for approval on the political front which Abadi formed to seek the aim of ensuring "parliamentary cover" for his reforms that have stalled recently.

    It was agreed the prime minister and the Union forces to form a joint committee to follow up the implementation conditions and start drawing under the new coalition.

    She spoke demands about the need to provide relief financially for the displaced, and re-displaced to the rock cliff, Diyala, Salahuddin and belt of Baghdad, and the involvement of the Sunni tribes in the popular crowd and commitment to agreed upon, which is 50 thousand fighters of the Sunni component of the total 120 thousand.

    The paper contains demand the release of innocent people who have not been convicted, as well as taking into account the balance in the distribution of special grades, and the opening of a bridge corridor Bzabz in front of the displaced and the re-implementation of previous agreements.

    Decisions of the three presidencies

    For his part, attributed Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, leader of the state law, moving the controversial laws at this time that he "came in implementation of the decisions of the meeting of the three presidencies."

    He said Jafar, said in an interview with the (range), "The last meeting came conclude that he can not complete the reforms without returning to the implementation of previous agreements and pass important laws such as the National Guard and amnesty."

    And refers member of a coalition of state law that "this legislation laws carrying a message to the contentment of the Year", stressing that "the law is acceptable to all parties in terms of the principle that no freedom for terrorists." He expected "to be overcome differences on the law amending some paragraphs."

    The meeting of the three presidencies, was held last Thursday, he stressed "the importance of the development of peaceful co-existence between citizens, and stay away from the climate of tension and stress in these circumstances", as well as discuss the political, economic and security conditions in the country.

    The meeting came a month after the escalation against the prime minister Haider al-Abadi because of reforms measures. But MP Jassem Mohammed Jaafar says that
    "the bulk of those differences may especially over those that occurred between al-Abadi al-Maliki and his predecessor," stressing that "differences remain after a round of meetings within the rule of law succeeded dissolving the ice between the prime minister and his bloc".

    And he denied a member of the Dawa Party, Abadi seek to form a new political front to pass reforms, stressing that "the prime minister will depend on the mass of first (state law) and the National Alliance."

    And it helped leaks, which talked about the efforts made by Prime Minister al-Abadi for the formation of a broad front, to pass his reforms despite the scarcity of information on the subject.

    And she started talking about forming a political front to push reforms after the emergence of differences within the Dawa Party, against the backdrop of Nuri al-Maliki's refusal to Vice President Abadi's decision to abolish the posts of Vice President of the Republic.

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    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4

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