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    Consultant Abadi reveals the loss of "280" million dollars to "6" Thousands of project

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    Consultant Abadi reveals the loss of "280" million dollars to "6" Thousands of project Empty Consultant Abadi reveals the loss of "280" million dollars to "6" Thousands of project

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Feb 2016, 2:49 am

    Consultant Abadi reveals the loss of "280" million dollars to "6" Thousands of project

    Since 02/25/2016 21:04 pm (Baghdad time)

    Interviewed - Zuhair al-Fatlawi

    Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister revealed the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said Thursday in a loss of $ 280 million in the six thousand investment project in previous years, indicating that the government gets 15% than they did the previous government two years ago, in the time between that Iraq has lost 50 billion dollars from international grants and went on a fake projects.

    * How do you see the economic situation and its impact on the country's politics?

    The economic situation has become known storyteller and proximate a front two issues: the scarcity of financial resources and lower oil prices, we did not get today, but the 15% of what we were getting him two years ago in the previous government, in the country of its budget depends on oil revenues just as well as having the expenses of the war and those costs prohibitive.

    Can the government employees' salaries this year's insurance?

    The government is seeking for it and there are four approximately one million employees, and three million retired, in addition to the number of poor people in the country to about eight million of them below the poverty line, the government is seeking to half the impoverished slide, also bestowed the displaced and the displaced, and difficult issue in the balance between poverty and war, and to provide salaries , and we hope the haves and businessmen to donate for this segment and provide immediate assistance to the poor and needy through the Ministry of Labour and social Affairs.

    * How do you see the reality of the investment activity in the country?

    I see that the state has a great role in the investments, and there is not to exploit opportunities and the loss of funds huge investment budgets of the various projects, where there are six thousand project The allocations (280) million in the previous years, but the results have been disappointing and the aspirations of the people in the growth and rebuilding and reconstruction and now the Ministry of planning and the Council of Ministers working to purify these projects and complete them done in spite of other financial burdens that will be paid by the state, there are projects Oloulih electric power.

    * Are there government support for the private sector?

    There is a big role for the private sector and to support the market and the longer the operator and we have a plan until 2030 will be 60% is the product of the work of the private sector who is running a market economy like growth countries in the world, and this needs to work to the requirements and activating the laws, especially with regard to care, support social and there is a special workshop sponsored by the Prime Minister and the Minister of transport will be held soon belong to these steps.

    * What is the role of government in international relations to support foreign investment?

    The government hopes to cooperate with various advanced in this area countries, and there is coordination with the European Development Bank, so that the reconstruction by giving nearly a billion dollars of investment projects low interest rate, and there is work for the government in this area and the role of the National Authority for Investment to work in this Convention, as well as another agreement is the belt silk where he signed an agreement with China, there are working with the Chinese government, companies and program called oil for reconstruction and development, and went to the Chinese government to contribute effectively between the ages of Iraq, within the line of the maritime silk agreement, as Iraq is considered a pivotal point in the progress and stability of the region, a meeting of Iraq-China joint Commission will discuss these issues, and we hope that the meeting will be fruitful, where China is working to implement this program and ages of the country and there are a lot of optimism in this aspect and will be implemented this year, we do not want to repeat the loss of Iraq for about (fifty billion dollars) from international grants and went in fake projects and companies that are not sober some of the projects worked and destroyed later it was mentioned by the US Inspector General.

    * Citizen looking for economic stability, what the horizon to the improved economic situation with the case of reducing salaries?

    It did not reduce the salaries deducted contributions to support social welfare and popular crowd, and I see that keeping salaries in this difficult situation is a huge benefit, and there is a clear understanding among the general Iraqi society, especially with the waste of money because of the large number of corruption in the past, which is more dangerous than terrorism.

    * Where are the Barriers and obstacles to foreign investment in Iraq?

    Frankly, we say environment chased foreign investment, has inherited this neglect and deprivation of this grace since the former regime time, Nndhar for foreign investment with suspicion and this succulent incorrect, and today the Prime Minister's Office with appropriate agencies working to accelerate the entry of companies, investors and give them a foreign visa becomes easier what can with the audit and security measures work, and follow-up of the Prime Minister, we will continuously work between investors and through the site specializing in this field, a window supervisory to see investors obstacles and do not let in extortion, interacting with investors directly, and this is part of what we have inherited from vandalism and before the war to improve investment and raising its environment.

    * Where are the big investment projects promised by the state?

    Iraq will witness a big leap tasks investment through infrastructure and housing projects, large projects promised by the state Tlkit faced a well-known storyteller and proximal difficult conditions amid political conflicts and must learn the lessons, governance and take advantage of opportunities, and it became the Iraqi people aware of everything hidden and concealed, and we hope that take those agreements the right track and that Iraq is a country rich in various resources, and one Iraqi investors raised floated the idea of ​​palm invest as we have fifty million palm possible produce for us and Ward five thousand dollars per year per Nakhla, these accounts can Nsthsal imports equal to the imports of oil exports, the country is rich and possible to work with this project and we will strive to activate it to invest in the field of palm, has Horb palm development project politically since the era of the seventies and destroyed by wars and conflicts to the present time, even tourism we're the only country in which the major tourist areas in the world but did not take advantage of them, and there is a tendency be interesting to tourism, especially in the sacred areas, there are many funds as possible to invest in this area, and perhaps the decline in oil prices are in favor of reviving the Iraqi economy, and must end triac dependence on oil only, and there are countries which rebounded development which is similar to us and not them oil revenues, such as Malaysia, Singapore and others.

    * How do you see the spread of corruption in the economic affairs of the country, which depends on it?

    The most dangerous corruption is the biggest corruption, a large part of the investment projects unfinished, and that a large part of these projects took advantage of Astardat at the central bank auction, where importing consumer goods exempt from customs because of it's government projects, but Lucan create a project Development Board, where refer to him in the budget of 2015, and there is another project for government contracts, we aspire legislation such projects, and there is an outside company will Yum use them to evaluate and study projects and check price and quality of the contractor and there will be a true and accurate standards and the declaration of the work with full transparency and away the major projects for the biggest corruption in this important issue, either younger corruption lies in the state administration and the work of government employees and the simplification of procedures and that contribute to the mitigation of bribery and completion of transactions, and can be used firms competent administrative work for the organization of these tasks and getting rid of red tape, corruption and burnout reviewers to those circles of this committee is working to simplify Alajrouat through the Office of the Prime Minister and we need more the time to complete this important project.

    * What is your work for the recovery of Iraqi funds smuggled out of the country?

    Smuggled money went through several eras section due to periods of very old and reverts to the former regime, and some of the money back to the system, which came with some muggers who stole a pro-Iraq and fled, and need intensive work, including the shift to money laundering, has been able to parliament to initiate a new law for washing money enters under the cloak of an international umbrella of the deal will be a deterrent in this area, and perhaps that money turned into a non-names and real estate which is not an easy task, despite the presence of a court database in contraband nations have the money, and offered us projects and ideas for the recovery of money diverted from the legal offices and lawyers international, and the high cost and deducting a percentage of them, and we are working as much as possible in this project, but with extreme caution so as not infringing on the rights and funds the rest of innocent people, and we must work international agreements on this issue, and there are many European and regional countries which abound smuggled money and we are now We will recover the money, but not so great and we need to feminization this subject and there is cooperation between the ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs and Interpol.

    * Is the government trying to activate the work of private banks and merge them?

    There is no law which the government may integrate private banks, and there is a bill now studying in the House of Representatives where paragraph merging the bank if he fails Bucking the work of the central bank system, and have the merger when absolutely necessary, and there is the integration of operations conducted through persuasion need for a community work of dialogue, and we need to modifying the banking Act to allow for the authority of the supervisory and the Central Bank to integrate when necessary, and say that there is no bank operates outside the law and the Iraqi judiciary deter all tempted to smuggle currency and work outside legal regulations and there are some failures, I watched and they have many problems, some of them quite beater and the other on the lack of liquidity and the central bank to provide financial assistance to her, and there are banks work well and the Central Bank is the supervisory follow-up and accountability in conflict with the law.

    * Have you been to start small financial grant to the CBI for projects?

    Yes, the start of the central bank transferred $ six trillion dinars to some private banks for the purpose of lending to citizens and supporting small projects according to certain guarantees an interest rate not to exceed 4%.

    * Why is the government, industrial and agricultural productivity projects do not care and limit the import process and the loss of hard currency?

    Unfortunately it is a legacy inherited across multiple governments over ten years have failed in the process of building a strong and solid economy, do not control the quality and correct Customs and today there is a trend and the control of the Government of Haider al-Abadi and support the national product and the entry of goods of high quality and we hope to be making a quick decision to prevent entry shoddy materials to the Iraqi market.

    * How Tndharon to the ration card distribution mechanisms?

    There Minister efficient and works with all national and courage for the purpose of improving the ration card and there are many episodes of corruption in the Ministry of Commerce and since 1996 in the memorandum of understanding, there are two directions of this area, the first allocation of Altamoninh card items to the beneficiaries of the poor and needy and that the contractor materials by that It is a first-class, but they come poor do not benefit the citizens, and we are optimistic about the work of the Minister Mohammed Shia 'Al Sudani and clean up the ministry of corruption and the expulsion of spoilers, as there is considerable support from the Council of Ministers for the work of the minister and conduct administrative reforms and improving the quality of the ration card items, and stop wasting money.

    * Is it possible to activate the system of quality control?

    Yes will be working with this device and activating the controls, we have discussed this topic during our visit was agreed with the Chinese side on the need to provide us with a certificate of origin like the work of international companies, so as to ensure the safety of goods exported to Iraq.

    * What about the electric power projects and an end to the problem?

    The problem of electricity in a mystery puzzling because now produce 13 thousand Mica, in 11 provinces, it is assumed that the electricity be over 24 hours, and there are a waste of energy by 35%, and do not know where this energy disappear theft or the waste, or is deliberately not giving energy, and the government was forced to give the distribution process of the private sector in order to get electricity 100% and get rid of evasion by not paying electricity wages, even if there is a legal possibility to cancel previous debt or installments until collection begins anew and the system and one for each country and seek to consult with the prime minister of this side for the purpose of improving the collection and fairly low amounts.

    * How do you look for political reform to form a government of technocrats?

    Prime Minister's past to form a government Techno Hippocrates and wait perform change in order to put Iraq on track right and the elimination of sectarianism and party quotas, which destroyed Iraq and fought the country's bitter this side of the experience, and we hope that the construction and ages have by relying on the competence and integrity, and there is the political parties in response for the conduct of these reforms and even the prime minister does not have authoritarianism and stay in power, and reforms in the financial institutions and the Central Bank of Iraq is left to see the Prime Minister and his conviction change and Alaslah.anthy 29

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