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    Wasit opens a unified national card and internal stresses difficult to falsify project

    Admin Assist
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    Wasit opens a unified national card and internal stresses difficult to falsify project Empty Wasit opens a unified national card and internal stresses difficult to falsify project

    Post by Rocky Tue 05 Apr 2016, 4:20 am

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    Wasit opens a unified national card and internal stresses difficult to falsify project

     Wasit / Jabbar Bjay 

    Announced Wasit province administration, on Monday, the launch of the first phase of aunified national card project in the province, as revealed near the opening of other centers in the province and district, the Interior Ministry stressed the importance of the use of this type of standard card and difficult tocounterfeit. The governor of Wasit owner of the valley in a speech during the official ceremony for the launch of a unified national card project was held on the local administration hall in Kut , attended by the President and members of the board of Wasit in addition to public sexual director and a number of local officials and attended ( the long - Presse) that "the project of a unified national card began to the people of Kut district yesterday the first of the project , which is expected to take off in the next few months to the rest of theprovince and district successively stage. " valley and added that" a unified national card project is one of theimportant projects of the work of conservative circles and the conduct of auditors transactions being abbreviated time and effort as well as contribute to alleviate the burden on citizens and facilitate their reviews to official circles and reduce the effects of red tape , "explaining that" the card of national building is a part has been deducted from the Central Library in Kut , and has been allocated 224 million dinars in order toqualify and restored and outfitted with devices required for the work and supplies. " he noted the governor ofWasit that" a number of officers mattresses employees of citizenship and civil status introduced in the training courses in coordination with the Interior Ministry to work out how the project management thoroughly and regularly , while ensuring flexible and transparent dealing with the auditors , "pointing to" the presence of 75 employees to manage the project is currently in 17 cabins dedicated to the purpose of the audit , making iteasier much in the walk transactions and not to delay the auditors. " for his part, director of public sex in the Interior Ministry Maj . Gen. Mahdi blessing Waeli, during the ceremony that" the unified national card and an important means of protecting the national identity and maintained by manipulation and fraud because it ishigh security and technical specifications which prevents falsified or manipulated. " Waeli said that" the use of a unified national card means that citizens will use the document orientation and one each in transactions rather than documents that ask him now pack as they provide for each Iraqi citizen digits civilians its own distinguishes him from others as well as provide family figure property which brings together family members. " He pointed sexual director that" national card that will provide the required process for future planning data in the country along with being provide important information for all citizens and make that information under the protection of a solid non-porous and manipulation, as well as contribute to the detection of cases fraud in the papers and all that would harm the citizen and the country alike. " the Ministry of communications hasentered into a contract with the Ministry of Interior for the processing of a unified national card project services , telecommunications via optical cable system. the unified national card project is one of theelectronic wide Bamadaminh government applications , it is hoped that the ends of the distribution of thesingle card for all citizens in five years, and aims to be reduced national card supporting documents to citizens electronically instead of relying on manual documentation.

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