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    Jubouri parliament suspended work .. and interrupt power until the return of legitimate

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Jubouri parliament suspended work .. and interrupt power until the return of legitimate Empty Jubouri parliament suspended work .. and interrupt power until the return of legitimate

    Post by Rocky Wed 20 Apr 2016, 4:27 am

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    Jubouri parliament suspended work .. and interrupt power until the return of legitimate

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    The President of the House of Representatives article Saleem al - Jubouri, on Tuesday, suspended sessions and the work ofparliament until further notice, while attributed the delay to preserve the "reputation" of theCouncil and its transformation into " an arena for wrestling and the imposition of wills by force." 
    Said Saleem al - Jubouri, in a statement, received (range Press), a copy of it, they were "under theconstitutional powers and the dictates of Ali and my duty as head of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, and to preserve the reputation of the Council 's order not to be an arena of conflict and verbal tangles fist instead of civilized dialogue in the parliament, announced the suspension of sessions and the work of the Council ofRepresentatives of Iraq until further notice. The President of the parliament article that "We came today to the House in response to the initiative of the President of the Republic", pointing out that " the meeting did not take place already for lack of a quorum." 
    he showed Jubouri regret for "some are trying to impose their will by force away from the legal contexts." Furthermore, considered bloc coalition forces, yesterday, that the blocs , which withdrew from the parliament session today represent an "important segments" of the Iraqi people, while confirming the non - return to parliament but " the return of legitimacy." 
    he said the block chairman Ahmed electrodes, during a press conference at the parliament building and attended (range Press), " The blocks represent important segments of the Iraqi people withdrew from theparliament session today, for violating the law and the Constitution." Massari stressed that "those blocks will not return to parliament sessions only legitimate return." In turn , announced that the forces of the Kurdistan to attend a session of parliament came on in accordance with the President 's initiative, and stressed that thedeputies left the parliament session for "violating the Constitution." 
    Said Ala Talabani, during a press conference held at the parliament building and attended (range Press) yesterday, " The deputies of the Kurdistan Alliance attended today at the parliamentary session at the invitation of President of the Republic of both Kurdistan and the citizen and the Turkmen and Christian virtue ,and coalition forces, to attend the meeting, and according to their initiative to dissolve parliament crisis. " 
    said Talabani" surprised other brothers that they are moving their agenda have not responded to the initiative launched by President Fuad Masum, Ihtermuha did not, and went to the meeting without a quorum ,"asserting that" those present at the meeting applauded the deputies to leave the Kurdistan Alliance for thesession. "
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