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    Obama completed with Abadi consultations of the American delegation visited Baghdad and Erbil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Obama completed with Abadi consultations of the American delegation visited Baghdad and Erbil Empty Obama completed with Abadi consultations of the American delegation visited Baghdad and Erbil

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Sep 2016, 2:09 am

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    Obama completed with Abadi consultations of the American delegation visited Baghdad and Erbil

     Baghdad / AFP 

    The White House announced that President Barack Obama will meet, on Monday, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi on the sidelines ofUnited Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. He noted Ben Rhodes, Obama 's adviser, noted that the two leaders will discuss the fight against al - Daesh, especially the ongoing battle restore Mosul preparations, Iraq 's second largest city and the last stronghold of al Daesh in Iraq. 

    I fell Mosul in the hands of the organization, in June 2014 and hopes to Baghdad and the countries of theinternational coalition led by the Washington against al Daesh terrorist restore the city by the end of this year. 
    He said Ben Rhodes, during a conference call, said the meeting between the two men will also allow discuss ways to "support the economic and political stability of Iraq." 
    and will reach Obama Sunday afternoon to New York, cast Tuesday morning speech the General Assembly then headed on the same day dedicated to the refugee crisis summit. 
    and came to talk about the recent meeting of the two presidents following the visit of a delegation of Iraq, Wednesday, and met a number of political leaders in Baghdad and Erbil, and ended his visit last Thursday. 
    the delegation included US Vice Foreign Minister Tony Blinken Special envoy of US President Brett Mkourk, and Deputy US State Department's Middle East Joseph Banngton, the US ambassador in Baghdad Douglas Silliman, and the commander of the international coalition forces , Gen. Taunznd. 
    a statement from the office of Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, seen by the (range), that the recent "received in his office on Wednesday , US Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken , the presence of private US President Brett Mkourk envoy and Deputy US State Department's Middle East Banngton Joseph and the US ambassador in Baghdad Douglas Silliman and the commander of the international coalition forces , Gen. Taunznd. The statement noted that the meeting included discussion of the war against the terrorist gangs and victories achieved and increase international support for Iraq in this war and restore stability to the liberated areas and the preparations for the Liberation of Mosul , in addition to the political situation and the challenges facing thegovernment. 
    The new Blinken, during the meeting, his country 's support for Iraq and to the Government Abadi in its war stance against terrorism, blessed "earned victories over Daesh terrorist gangs." The US delegation also met with Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, the head of the National Alliance , Ammar al - Hakim, before leaving to Kurdistan and meet President Fuad Masum , the head of the Kurdistan region in separate meetings.A statement by the President of the Republic Fuad Masum " The meeting with the US delegation discussed ongoing for the Liberation of the city of Mosul from the control of the organization Daesh terrorist preparations, as well as ways of strengthening stability and reconstruction in the liberated areas, and file Nazhan.ookd President of the Republic, according to a presidential statement," the need to double efforts international during the liberation of the city process, the combination of all the joint efforts and support theparties involved in preparation for the upcoming battle. "He infallible to" the importance of mobilizing all domestic and international capacity to accommodate the displaced , "expected" the increase in their numbers, especially with the approaching launch of the military to liberate Mosul operations. " 
    for his part, Assistant Blinken "his country 's commitment to support Iraq in its war against terrorism, and toprovide humanitarian aid for the displaced."
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