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    Activating the work of the committees of the Parliament to pass laws broken

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Activating the work of the committees of the Parliament to pass laws broken Empty Activating the work of the committees of the Parliament to pass laws broken

    Post by day dreamer Sat 22 Jun 2013, 10:31 pm

    Activating the work of the committees of the Parliament to pass laws broken

     23/06/2013 12:00 AM

    Kurdistan supported approval in one basket with the need for compatibility thereon
     BAGHDAD - morning
     Accelerated pace in the meetings and the meetings of parliamentary order to resolve the file laws broken. At the time directed the Presidency of the Council of Representatives calling for parliamentary committees to meet and discuss important projects that have been completed for the purpose passed in the coming sessions, supported the Kurdistan Alliance pass laws broken in one basket with the need to get Compatibility them. said in a statement to the Presidency received "morning," a copy of it on Saturday: "The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail, presided over the second meeting of the committee, which is chaired includes Heads and representatives of the parliamentary blocs," adding that "the meeting discussed the draft law on the demarcation of the administrative border the provinces and the draft law infrastructure. "the statement added that al-Suhail," called for the Committee of the Regions and governorates not organized in a region and the Legal Committee to a joint meeting with the chairman of the parliament to discuss the draft law on the demarcation of the administrative border of the provinces. "He also stressed the need for further efforts by the leaders of the blocs to reach a consensus on a number of important laws and put up for a vote. For his part, endorsed Deputy Speaker Arif Tayfur pass laws broken in one basket, because that helps to stabilize the situation in the country and limit the outbreak of political crises. explained Tayfur said in a statement received "morning," a copy of him on Saturday, that "the differences and debate ongoing between the parliamentary blocs in addition to the lack of political consensus, led to a delay in the adoption of important laws such as laws for the Federation Council and the Federal Court and the prohibition of the Baath Party and entities dissolved," pointing to the importance of pass laws broken because they contribute to the stability of the situation in the country and a challenge political crises. "and noted that" the Presidency of the Council is serious in resolving the laws and follow up the work of the committees because the remaining life of the Short Board, requires work, and to intensify efforts to pass these laws. "
    The Deputy Speaker of Parliament "support to pass laws broken in one basket," pointing to the importance of "the inclusion of legal re-demarcation of the administrative border of the provinces and the abolition of the decisions dissolved Revolutionary Command Council, and private re-agricultural land confiscation to the original owners in the disputed areas, the agenda of the Council during the this period. "and saw the House of Representatives before the start of vacationing legislative series of withdrawals led to a failure to approve a number of laws, Cansahab Congress the Iraqi List, on the background of non-use of government with the demands of the demonstrators and then the withdrawal of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc because of the adoption of the state budget in a way the majority and the withdrawal of state law because not to include the criminalization of the Baath Act. Kurdistan Alliance bloc, pointed out that there are convinced the political blocs need to pass a number of important laws during the coming period, which require political consensus on them. Chief bloc Fuad Masum told (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) on Saturday: "The coming period will hold a series of meetings and meetings between political leaders, in addition to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the heads of the blocks in order to agree on passing some important laws, including the laws of the Federation Council and the parties and the criminalization of the Baath, as well as a legal amendment elections, accountability and justice. "He infallible that" all blocs are aware that these laws are necessary for the next stage and before the end of the parliamentary session current, especially that some of these laws are relevant to the upcoming elections, such as the current electoral law and the law of the Federation Council, "stressing that" not necessarily pass these laws in a manner basketball one, but there is a sense of the importance of it gets approved them. "The House of Representatives has failed to pass a number of laws, mainly infrastructure and laws of the Federal Court, oil and gas and amend the administrative border of the provinces and general amnesty and the other due to the continuing differences on them.
    Referred to the Iraqi constitution provides for two types of the first vote by a simple majority and through customary laws are passed more than half of the attendees achieve a quorum after the meeting, while the other is of the issues and the important projects that require a two-thirds voting, Kaltsoat the Law on the Federal Supreme Court.
    For his part, expressed his parliamentary economic committee member Abdul Salam al-Maliki, fear of deportation law infrastructure to the next parliamentary session.
    According to the Attorney-Maliki in an interview (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) on Saturday, that "the law of the infrastructure is going to do in the electoral cycle current, due to harassment and political concerns of the distribution of money to the law after approval," explaining that "the government provided guarantees many of them formation of a committee of the cab of Ministers of the Council of Ministers, which represents all the blocks that they represent. "
    As noted by the Economic Commission that these funds will be managed minister directly, each according to his ministry, he stressed that this money is not subject to the capital of Iraq because the payment on credit after ten years will pay the value of two billion out of the $ 47 billion distributed between sectors of the state. Turn Male Council decision Representatives Muhammad Al-Khalidi, for (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) on Saturday, that "all the political blocs are different on the project because of the guarantees granted," noting that "the Iraqi List believes that mortgage this money is causing havoc and widespread, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the executing companies and mechanisms dues exchange projects and approval of the draft after the other in the House of Representatives and the knowledge of the executing companies and over Rsantha ".

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