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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chairman of the Board of Maysan looking with the French ambassador to the development of the process

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    Chairman of the Board of Maysan looking with the French ambassador to the development of the process Empty Chairman of the Board of Maysan looking with the French ambassador to the development of the process

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2013, 5:03 am

    Chairman of the Board of Maysan looking with the French ambassador to the development of the process of construction and reconstruction

    Thursday, July 4, 2013 10:51

    [Maysan - where]

    Search Chairman of the Board of Maysan province Munther Rahim griller with the DVI Kkawir French Ambassador ways to develop the process of construction and reconstruction and how to enter the French companies to invest in the province.

    A statement by the Council to maintain the agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of "President of the Provincial Council received the French ambassador, during the meeting, they discussed ways to develop the process of construction and reconstruction and how to enter the French companies to invest in the province of Maysan.

    He added that "griller at the beginning of the meeting, welcomed the Ambassador of France and his accompanying delegation, stressing" the need to take advantage of the work of French companies in the province for the purpose of advancing the process of construction and reconstruction under way in which vigorously and faithfully praising the "works of French companies which is witnessing a global arena in various fields such as industry, construction and the establishment of projects and expressed "its readiness to provide all contribute to facilitate the entry of French companies and provide full support to them for the purpose of building the best of Maysan province and the most beautiful picture along the lines of" the beautiful cities in the world to being a province rich in its wealth of oil and agricultural products.

    The statement noted that "the French Ambassador For his part, on the basis of this visit is an initiative to start and draw a future plan of action to seize the investment opportunities in the province of Maysan, being one of the provinces safe and contain the bounties many expressing" the extent of his admiration for Macs built it and other works that are still under implementation pointing "to the extent of his admiration for the local government in the province and their eagerness to work whole-heartedly built.

    At the end of the visit, the head of the Council thank especially to Kkawir of this visit, stressing "pursued in the follow-up of how to take advantage of French companies and their entry in a legal and orderly manner to contribute to the service people of Maysan beloved. Ended 27

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