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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    International Press

    Admin Assist
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     International Press Empty International Press

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 May 2017, 1:53 am

    International Press

    The New York Times: China has killed and jailed 20 spy for the United States between 2010 and 2012

    New York Times reported, on Sunday, Beijing has targeted systematically and CIA efforts (CIA) in China since 2010 and killed or imprisoned about twenty source secret for their information, what constitutes a setback for US intelligence in this Albuld.onqlt newspaper about ten current and former US officials , speaking on condition of anonymity, as saying that the intelligence world saw that one of the worst setbacks since Acod.oodavc that intelligence officials do not know whether the United States has been betrayed by one of the workers inside CIA, or that the Chinese were able to penetrate damage to a secret system of the United States use to connect to the secret of its sources Malomat.lkn no doubt that the right of one of the most useful American spy networks, large. More than a dozen sources between 2010 and 2012 have been killed, including one shot him in front of his colleagues in a clear warning to anyone who can be performed Baltjss.ozkr two American officials senior former, that between 18 and twenty people were sources of information the CIA in China killed or imprisoned . This is a major setback for the network was so close to the highest operating capacity since Snoat.ohzh losses similar to US losses in the Soviet Union and Russia because of the size of revelations Shahyran two spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansen, according to the newspaper.

    The Independent: Julian Assange to the fore The

    Independent published a story titled "Julian Assange: Britain 's claim to provide a safe passage to WikiLeaks founder dropped after being accused of rape."
    The newspaper says the Foreign Minister of Ecuador called on the British government to provide safe passage for Assange , who has been at his country 's embassy in the British capital London years ago , claiming political asylum.
    He adds that the minister confirmed on his Twitter account that Sweden announced that it had dropped the accusations made by the former Assange , which means that the note issued by the International Police (Interpol) to arrest is no longer valid and therefore has the right to leave the country to Ecuador without hindrance.
    According to the newspaper that Assange has to make rare statements from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London told reporters , where he lives about 5 years ago during which he condemned the "injustice described" suffered by him to spend five years what looked like prison inside a closed building because of his fear of arrest by the British police to hand to Sweden and then to the United States.
    The newspaper says that the United States has demanded the appearance of Assange before the court to ask about the leaks published through Wikileaks and display where millions of highly confidential documents presented to US national security risk.

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