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    International Press

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    International Press Empty International Press

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 May 2017, 2:07 am

    International Press

    Brother of Manchester striker was involved trying to assassinate Martin Kobler ,

    he said the British newspaper " The Telegraph", the younger brother of Manchester British striker was a member of the takfiri cell believed to have planned an attack on the Special Envoy of the United Nations to Libya, Martin Kobler.
    Diplomatic sources said that the "plot targeting Kobler during his visit to Tripoli earlier this year stopped before being implemented."
    The Libyan security services group monitors months ago and claimed that they had found Hashim Abedi (20 years) , the bomber 's brother Salman Abidi (22 years) to be a "big player".
    According to the newspaper, they "were apparently in the final stages of building an explosive device, with a view to hit a convoy of Mr. Kobler."
    In context, the British police published, on Saturday evening, two pictures of Salman Abidi, Altqtthma surveillance camera on the same night where assaulting in Manchester carried out, and called on all who saw him to contact them so that they know the moves carried out in the days before the attack.
    The police and the fight against terrorism, in a joint statement, according to news agency "Agence France Presse," The investigators claim to the public to report any information regarding the movements of Libyan origin bomber, who died during the attack, since May 18 / May of this, the history of "returning to United kingdom".
    The young man appears in pictures short stature and slender Basharbin small, wearing jeans and a black jacket. The statement said, that one of the last places where it was seen "apartment in the city center, he left to go to the Hall of Manchester Arena", where the attack took place. He added that "it is likely that this apartment was the last place was the packaging assembly in which"

    Trump and his aides are looking to create a "war room" at the White House

    newspaper "The Washington Post" said that US President Donald Trump and his advisers, as they seek to contain Russia 's escalating crisis that threatens to consume his presidency, looking for the reorganization of senior staff and the establishment of a "war room" inside the White House, according to a number of aides and allies Trump
    from abroad.
    After Trump 's return to Washington on Saturday evening after a nine - day foreign tour and the rest of the debate continued at home, the White House plans to fight more powerful to detect successive contacts between Trump 's aides, including his brother - Jared Kushner, and Russia.
    White House officials are trying to find ways to revive Trump 's political agenda stalled in Congress, the biggest reform of the way in which the White House continues with the opinion of the
    These proposals include further travel and conferences along the lines of the election campaign in all parts of the country, which can trump that talking directly to his supporters, and also changes in the frequency and nature of press conferences, the likely include a diminishing role journalist besieged Sean Spicer , secretary.

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