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    Oil begins rehabilitation of Baiji refinery

    Admin Assist
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    Oil begins rehabilitation of Baiji refinery Empty Oil begins rehabilitation of Baiji refinery

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Dec 2017, 1:45 am

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    Oil begins rehabilitation of Baiji refinery

     Baghdad / AFP 

    The Ministry of Oil has begun the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery, the country's largest refinery, which was completely destroyed following the military operations following the control of a large-scale organization in the north and west of the country in mid-2014.
    Asim Jihad, a spokesman for the ministry, told (AFP), Thursday, that Oil Minister Jabbar al-Allaibi "ordered the acceleration of the rehabilitation of the unit Salah Eddin II in the refinery." He explained that "the unit Salah al-Din II capacity of 70 thousand barrels per day and began to work on harnessing all other companies until the acceleration of the process of rehabilitation to begin production in the first half of next year." 
    The ministry has already rehabilitated the Chinese, Kirkuk and modern refineries. Baiji refinery was established in 1975 by foreign companies with production rates of more than 250,000 barrels per day. 
    Although the terrorists controlled most of Salahuddin province, they have not been able to control the refinery for a long time because of the steadfastness of the anti-terrorism forces over the years inside. 
    But the refinery has been under siege from all quarters for months and the gunmen fired shells throughout the period, which led to the burning of a large number of reservoirs.
    According to Jihad, the rehabilitation of the refinery will contribute to the provision of oil derivatives to the northern regions of the country and reduce the quantities of imports. 
    The city of Baiji, in the province of Salah al-Din, the most affected cities in Iraq, and turned into a ghost town because of the battles that have occurred.

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