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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help Empty New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

    Post by Bama Diva Mon 28 Oct 2013, 10:20 pm

    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

    29-10-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)

    The last time he visited Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the White House in December of 2011, was about the recovery of hope where he and Obama has ended the military occupation, which lasted eight years with a view to the heart of a new page and establish a normal relationship between two sovereign countries. 

    But Mr. al-Maliki did not abide by his part in partnership. Obama then praised at home as the "president-elect for a sovereign and democratic Iraq based on the same", but he was surprised when he saw him return to Baghdad and begin the implementation of authoritarian repression against the political leaders of the year - members of the government-backed partnership of the United States.
    And continued political crisis triggered by Maliki, and caused undermine years of U.S. efforts to integrate the Sunni Arabs in the political process. Tensions worsened after he turned the civil war in Syria into a regional sectarian war by proxy. 
    I've breathed new life instability in the Sunni insurgency in Iraq, and renewed youth and the confidence of the militants, and tribal cooperation necrosis who sewn attitude during the process of sustaining the momentum of America in 2007. 
    The escalation of violence in the country to levels not seen since 2008 even reached thousand per month tragedy; also gained more power base in Iraq; increased the threat of the return of the Shiite militia; and increased fears of a return to sectarian revenge circles. 
    The center of the storm, scheduled to return al-Maliki to the White House during the current week, looking for security assistance from the United States. 
    That the fight against terrorism represents a common interest, but with al-Maliki's willingness to seek a third term in 2014, it is the duty of Mr. Obama to insist on adherence to democratic standards as a condition for U.S. assistance. 
    Since that within al-Maliki for a second term, he became more تخندقا through an organized campaign to consolidate power and purge the security forces of loyalists. 
    And after he got the job through a consensus among the strongest political forces, marked by the doctrine of his desire to stay. For him not considered sectarian and nationalist ideologies as they are tools to achieve their political interests. 
    However the fact that al-Maliki exciting for trouble, it did not take root in the ills that plagued Iraq. In fact, that if he stepped down in next year's elections, it will not change the priority not stay in Iraqi political life and methods that serve narrow political class, their own interests. 
    The presence of survival instincts above all is the legacy of a broken state institutions, and the legacy of the politics of fear, and a tense social fabric with a faint sense of national cohesion. 
    Iraqis are suffering from shock caused by a decade of death and destruction, and a long history of sanctions and war and tyranny. The unwillingness of elites to engage in genuine national reconciliation, community perpetuate mistrust and ensure the continuation of sectarianism. 
    And necrosis of the political culture in Iraq's democratic institutions established under occupation. It is true that there is a constitution, but Iraq is not a constitutional state; Parliament prescribed laws, but the provisions of the law selectively; election is just a game to divide the spoils between corrupt elites; and the government get huge profits from oil exports, but they fail to provide basic services while living nearly a quarter Iraqis under the poverty line. 
    Did not show an internal balance of power, and instead, the political system favors the prime minister at the expense of the legislative and judicial powers and the rest of the political class, and favors the central government at the expense of regional governments and provincial governments. 
    Obama will have to reconsider the balance between the hard-line U.S. forces and soft in framing future of Iraq instead of betting on the relationship of the Cold War model focused on security, the United States should take a broader perspective. America will also need to help re-integrate Iraq regional system, and can help to deepen and expand Iraq's international trade and enhance its role in regional diplomacy and help diversify its economy beyond oil, which encourages elites to plunder. 
    And inside Iraq, the U.S. government should encourage the electoral process leading to a more representative government. Can constituencies based on small geographical units that give greater authority to the Iraqi people and ensure that the competition for power and resources within communities and not among them, as this will allow the formation of alliances across sectarian divisions on mutual interests. Finally, we must look like the United States and it supports the Iraqi people as a whole and does not favor any particular faction or person. At that time, it will continue to denounce terrorism, the United States also condemns human rights violations. 
    In most cases, offend Maliki translation of American support for his government as a delegate stubborn behavior which to اهوادة. 
    Above all, Mr. Obama does not understand Iraq as a liberal democracy, it will at best democracy without democrats. The Iraqis deserve better than that. 
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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help Empty Re: New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

    Post by Bama Diva Wed 30 Oct 2013, 11:40 am

    it seems that Washington and Maliki have a lot to get straightened out.

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    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help Empty Re: New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

    Post by Neno Wed 30 Oct 2013, 5:17 pm

    Bama Diva wrote:it seems that Washington and Maliki have a lot to get straightened out.
    Good revealing report TY. Now it looks even more true to a value to the currency before, a full implementation... ;)
    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1791
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    Location : Gulf Coast

    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help Empty Re: New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

    Post by Bama Diva Wed 30 Oct 2013, 7:04 pm

    Neno wrote:Good revealing report TY. Now it looks even more true to a value to the currency before, a full implementation... ;)
    Agree Neno and I am convinced at this point that this meeting must have a satisfactory ending and the SFA fully implemented for us to see anything that we want to see any time soon. jmo

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    New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help Empty Re: New York Times: Obama's claim al-Maliki to observe democratic standards as a condition for U.S. help

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