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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Jan 2018, 2:47 am

    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    the Association of Iraqi private banks, organized on Saturday, the forum of Islamic banks in Iraq with Arab and local large.
    The Association of Iraqi private banks in a press statement received by "Economy News", "The next Saturday will see the Forum of Islamic banks in Iraq under the title (to start an Islamic banking sector contributes to development) and with the participation of Arab and local large," indicating that "the participants are the Governor of the Central Bank Mr. Ali Al-Alaq, Secretary-General of the Council of Banks and Islamic Financial Institutions, Abdel-Elah Belaitik, and a number of Arab and local banking figures. "
    She added that "the forum will include three sessions to discuss the reality of the Islamic banking sector and its applications, the legislative environment that regulates the work of Islamic banks, the Shari'ah controls for product development, the objectives of expanding Islamic banking in Iraq, the role of Islamic banking in development and international accounting standards in Islamic banks."
    She pointed out that "the convening of this forum at the present time will have positive effects due to the significant expansion of Islamic banking during the past two years and the desire of the public to access their services."

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    Admin Assist
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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Iraq hosts the Islamic Banks Forum

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Jan 2018, 4:02 am

    Iraq hosts the Islamic Banks Forum
    January 25 2018 12:54 PM
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    [rtl][rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] of the Association of Iraqi Banks[/rtl]

    The Association of Iraqi private banks announced on Thursday the organization of Islamic banks in Iraq on Saturday with large Arab and local participation. 

    The Association said in a statement that "the next Saturday will see the Forum of Islamic Banks in Iraq under the title (the start of an Islamic banking sector contributes to development) and with the participation of Arab and local large," indicating that "the participants are the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alaq and the Secretary General of the Council of Banks and Financial Institutions The Islamic Abdelalah Belteik and a number of Arab and local banking figures. " 

    She added that "the forum will include three sessions to discuss the reality of the Islamic banking sector and its applications, the legislative environment that regulates the work of Islamic banks, the Shari'ah controls for product development, the objectives of expanding Islamic banking in Iraq, the role of Islamic banking in development and international accounting standards in Islamic banks."

    The Association noted that "the convening of this forum at the present time will have positive effects due to the significant expansion of Islamic banking during the past two years and the desire of the public access to services."

    Admin Assist
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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Jan 2018, 6:07 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    2018/01/25 11:32

    (Encyclopedia of this day , news | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) -
    Economy News Baghdad:

    The Association of Iraqi private banks, organized on Saturday the forum of Islamic banks in Iraq with a large Arab and local participation.

    The Association of Iraqi private banks in a press statement received by "Economy News", "The next Saturday will see the Forum of Islamic banks in Iraq under the title (to start an Islamic banking sector contributes to development) and with the participation of Arab and local large," indicating that "the participants are the Governor of the Central Bank Mr. Ali Al-Alaq, Secretary-General of the Council of Banks and Islamic Financial Institutions, Abdel-Elah Belaitik, and a number of Arab and local banking figures. "

    She explained that the forum will include three sessions to discuss the reality of the Islamic banking sector and its applications, the legislative environment governing the work of Islamic banks, Shari'ah controls for product development, Islamic banking expansion objectives in Iraq, the role of Islamic banking in development and international accounting standards in Islamic banks.

    She pointed out that "the convening of this forum at the present time will have positive effects due to the significant expansion of Islamic banking during the past two years and the desire of the public to access their services."

    Note: The content entitled (Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday) published first on the site (economy News) and does not bear the encyclopedia of this day news content in any form. 
    You can see the details of this address (Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday) through the original source any site (economy News).

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    Interacting Investor
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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Re: Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

    Post by weslin3 Thu 25 Jan 2018, 7:30 am

    thumbs Sounds like they are gearing up...
    All In Investor
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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Re: Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

    Post by ron-man Thu 25 Jan 2018, 9:52 am

    Glad to see it.
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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Re: Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

    Post by Screwball Thu 25 Jan 2018, 4:36 pm

    weslin3 wrote:thumbs  Sounds like they are gearing up...
    Second day of conference devoted to private sector

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    Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday Empty Re: Association of Iraqi private banks to organize the Forum of Islamic banks next Saturday

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