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    A US drone destroy a Russian tank in Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277173
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A US drone destroy a Russian tank in Syria Empty A US drone destroy a Russian tank in Syria

    Post by Rocky Wed 14 Feb 2018, 2:01 am

    A US drone destroy a Russian tank in Syria
    Arabic and International  Wednesday, February 14 2018 at 10: 36 am (25 views)
    A US drone destroy a Russian tank in Syria 20180214_103631-824A US drone destroy a Russian tank in Syria
    Baghdad / Sky Press

    A US drone destroyed a Russian-made T-72 tank in Syria without killing a member of the coalition forces or local police stations, US officials said.

    A US military statement said the strike carried out by the MQ-9RB aircraft near the Tabiya area in Syria resulted in the destruction of the tank after it entered the range of pro-US forces backed by an artillery shell, Reuters reported.

    Lieutenant-General Jeffrey Harrigian, the top US air force officer in the Middle East, declined to speculate on who was driving the tank, and a US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said at least two pro-Syrian forces were killed in the strike.

    US Defense Secretary Jim Matisse played down the incident, saying that "it may be just two people doing something, I do not want to exaggerate it and describe it as a major attack."

    The US strike comes less than a week after a major clash between coalition forces and pro-Syrian forces last night that killed 100 or more pro-Damascus forces.


      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 11:32 pm