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    Halabousi on the occasion of victory: Iraq is on the threshold of a new stage

    Admin Assist
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    Halabousi on the occasion of victory: Iraq is on the threshold of a new stage Empty Halabousi on the occasion of victory: Iraq is on the threshold of a new stage

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Dec 2018, 3:02 am

    Halabousi on the occasion of victory: Iraq is on the threshold of a new stage

    10:15 - 10/12/2018

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The President of the House of Representatives Mohammed Halbusi, on Monday, that Iraq is on the threshold of a new stage after the declaration of victory on the "dashing," noting that the benefits of victory require more diligence on this achievement.
    "On this day, a bright page began to liberate dear dear Mosul and ended a dark page at the end of a myth that called for its alleged state," al-Halaboussi said in a statement. "The face of our land in light after I was honored by the blood of the heroic martyrs that were shed on the land of Mosul, and mingled the Iraqi blood from the far north of Iraq to the extreme south and from the extreme east to the far west, pure blood heroes heroes assured the world the unity of this country and the great amount and prestige and expensive price paid this land" .
    He added that "in these days our heroes line the most wonderful images of fighting courage in the management of a battle that required the clearance of civilians dependent on the call on the one hand and the elimination of the enemy entrenched in civil and its people on the other hand, and were able to professionally conduct an impossible liberalization in military accounts with the least possible losses With stories in nobility and masculinity and sacrifice to save families, words fail to describe.
    He added that "our celebration of the liberation of Mosul is a celebration of victory in all cities liberated by our heroes, but this day was an expression of the completion of the most important stage in the victory.
    He pointed out that "the security forces in all their formations are a unique example of cohesion and coordination. The army, police, counterterrorism forces, the popular, tribal and peshmerga forces were one hand, through a deliberate combat rhythm, coordination at the highest levels, and the distribution of professional roles that offered a variety of capabilities and complemented capabilities, The world's progress and development. "
    Al-Halbusi recalled the "gratitude and gratitude of the fatwa of the wise authority to look at the Iraqis to protect their homeland and defend the land and offer and save civilians and soon the Iraqis responded to this fatwa and call for reference, and do not forget the standing of the Iraqi social actors from the media and bloggers and civil society organizations and writers and poets and intellectuals in the emergence of heroes, The greatest victory of this century ".
    He stressed that "the benefits of victory require more diligence on this achievement to complete the march achieved by our brave heroes, which is a national responsibility requires large blocks and parties and leading figures more patience, sacrifice and selflessness to cross the entitlements of forming the government and the completion of this task in a timely manner and in harmony with the spirit of democracy, "The most important thing that can make our victory is to start effectively in the reconstruction and reconstruction of liberated areas in particular and for all areas of Iraq in general, which was credited with liberating the land and make serious sacrifices to achieve this victory."
    "We can not promise this victory a complete victory unless the rights of the martyrs, the wounded and the fighters are all guaranteed in all its moral and material details and hard work to return the displaced people to their homes and secure the necessities of a decent life for them," he said. "Today we stand on the threshold of a new stage, The government and start its project and program, which we hope to be launched quickly and specifically in the paragraphs related to the service of citizens and the creation of decent living conditions in Iraq. Ending / 25

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