revealed in the oil and energy parliamentary member from the province of Basra on Tuesday, directing official wrote to the Integrity Commission and the investigative judge of Basra to open an investigation Amuftih project, noting that some politicians have received a lot of money to pass the project. 

The deputy said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, a copy of it, that "was directed to the official letter to the investigating judge of the Basra court and the Integrity Commission for the purpose of opening an investigation on the draft Muftiya after the availability of information about a corruption deal project."

He added that "the referral of the draft Mufti was not convinced by the members of the House of Representatives, especially the members of the Committee on oil and energy," noting that "the justifications provided by the Ministry of Oil regarding the assignment of draft Muftiya for investment as a technical and economic feasibility is unconvincing and could take advantage of land located on the banks of the Shatt Arabs to be parks. " 

He accused "some political parties in support of the transformation of the Mufti investment project," pointing to "the existence of a corruption deal received in the former oil ministry where some politicians received large amounts of money for the purpose of passing the draft Mufti." 

On February 2, 2017, the Ministry of Oil directed the relocation of the oil products company in the Muftiyah area of ​​central Basra to another location and the conversion of its current headquarters to a family park at the Ministry's expense.

On September 12, 2018, the previous government referred the project of the Muftiya for tourism and tourism in Basra to the Supreme National Investment Authority for the purpose of studying and re-presenting it to the government.