The House of Representatives held on Sunday, its fifth session of the current legislative term under the chairmanship of Mohammed Halbusi. 

A parliamentary source said in an interview for Alsumaria News, "The House of Representatives held its fifth session of the second legislative term under the chairmanship of Mohammed Halbusi." 

The agenda of today's session includes the vote on the removal of Nineveh Governor and his two deputies, the first reading of the bill on graft, the council added, the first reading of the draft industrial cities law, and the first reading of the draft law to address housing abuses.

The table also includes the first reading of the draft law of the first amendment to the law of seizure and confiscation of movable and immovable property belonging to the pillars of the former regime No. (72) of 2017, in addition to the report of the fact-finding committee in Nineveh province.