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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Report: Cost of living in Iraq more than Egypt and less than Lebanon

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Report: Cost of living in Iraq more than Egypt and less than Lebanon Empty Report: Cost of living in Iraq more than Egypt and less than Lebanon

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Apr 2019, 4:24 am

    Report: Cost of living in Iraq more than Egypt and less than Lebanon

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    The cost of living in Iraq is more than that of Egypt and less than Lebanon, according to a report published on the Nombio website, which deals with the standard of living of the countries of the world.
    "The cost of living in Egypt is 29.09 percent lower than in Iraq for all cities," the report said, according to the latest update in April. "This percentage did not take the rent into consideration."
    "The rent in Egypt is 52.98 percent lower than in Iraq," he said.
    The report pointed out that "the cost of living in Lebanon is 48.64% higher than in Iraq for all cities," noting that "this proportion does not take into account the rent."
    "Rent in Egypt is 52.98 percent lower than in Iraq," the report said.
    The Nombio site is one of the sites launched in 2009 and is considered as a source by many international newspapers and magazines including BBC, Time, The Forks, Forbes, The Economist, Busines Incider, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, The Telegraph, The Edge, The Sydney Morning Herald, China Daily, Washington Post, USA Today and dozens of other websites and media.

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