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    The meeting of the Shiite blocs ends with an “agreement” to pass the budget


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    The meeting of the Shiite blocs ends with an “agreement” to pass the budget Empty The meeting of the Shiite blocs ends with an “agreement” to pass the budget

    Post by chouchou Wed 31 Mar 2021, 3:02 am

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    Shafaq News / An informed source revealed that the Shiite blocs agreed, on Tuesday, to pass the draft federal budget law during the parliament session tomorrow, Wednesday.

    The source told Shafaq News, “The Shiite political blocs agreed during a meeting this evening to mobilize their deputies to attend a session tomorrow, Wednesday, set by the Presidency of Parliament to vote on the budget law.”

    He added that “the heads of political blocs left the choice open for members of Parliament to vote in acceptance or rejection of the budget paragraphs.”

    The source pointed out that “the Presidency of Parliament will hold a meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, with the heads of political blocs before the meeting, but that the session may be two or three hours late for the specified time.”

    The Shiite forces had met, on Tuesday evening, to settle the controversial points in the federal budget law.

    For his part, MP for the Saeron bloc, Burhan Al-Mamouri, said in a statement, “The Saeron Parliamentary Bloc will be the first to attend the House of Representatives session tomorrow, Wednesday, to vote on the 2021 budget.”

    And he called on the government, “not to burden citizens with the burden of drawing monetary policy.” He also called on the government to “issue immediate decisions to address the issue of rising prices for essential commodities, and we stress that they should be returned to their place.”

    The differences focus on Article 11 of the draft budget related to the share of the Kurdistan Region, which stipulates that it will deliver 250 thousand barrels of oil per day, along with its tax revenues to Baghdad, in return for receiving 12.6 percent of the budget.

    Political blocs also reject what was stipulated in the budget to exclude the segment of citizens whose monthly salaries exceed 1.5 million dinars from benefiting from the ration card, as well as returning 30 thousand of those whose contracts have been canceled from the popular crowd to service.

    Other blocs refuse to vote on the budget if the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar is not modified, by returning it to its previous state.

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