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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline

    Admin Assist
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    Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline Empty Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2022, 4:55 am

    [size=36]Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline[/size]

    Economie| 10:51 - 04/12/2022

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    Baghdad - Mawazine News
    The Central Refineries Company reported today, Sunday, that the Karbala refinery will be able to fill 60-70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline.

    The company's assistant director, Nizar Faeq, said in an interview with the official newspaper, "Al-Sabah", followed by "Mawazine News", that "the Karbala refinery project will fill this percentage of the local need for super, improved and gasoline products, as well as white oil, liquid gas and other products, while producing The rest of the refineries contain only regular gasoline and quantities of the enhancer.

    He continued, "The aforementioned refinery is one of the most complex refineries in terms of structure, design, and formation at the regional level, as it possesses units that not all refineries possess," noting that "one of the units included in the refinery relies on improving the (gasoline) product and producing super gasoline." And very high quality, which is found in only six refineries in the world. Ended 29/N33
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    Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline Empty Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2022, 5:43 am

    Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Central Refineries Company reported today, Sunday, that the Karbala refinery will be able to fill 60-70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline.
    The company's assistant director, Nizar Faeq, said in an interview with the official newspaper, "Al-Sabah", that "the Karbala refinery project will fill this percentage of the local need for super, improved and gasoline products, as well as white oil, liquid gas and other products, while the rest of the refineries produce regular gasoline." And quantities of the philanthropist only."
    He continued, "The aforementioned refinery is one of the most complex refineries in terms of structure, design, and formation at the regional level, as it possesses units that not all refineries possess," noting that "one of the units included in the refinery relies on improving the (gasoline) product and producing super gasoline." And very high quality, which is found in only six refineries in the world. 

    Views 110
    Added 12/04/2022 - 11:00 AM
    Updated 12/04/2022 - 2:39 PM

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    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline Empty Planning: Karbala refinery produces aviation fuel and covers 70% of the imported oil derivatives

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Apr 2023, 2:11 pm

    Planning: Karbala refinery produces aviation fuel and covers 70% of the imported oil derivatives

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Number of readings: 297
    [rtl]Baghdad / NINA / - The Ministry of Planning announced, "The Karbala refinery is one of the strategic and vital projects in increasing refining capacity and reducing the import of oil derivatives by 60-70%."

    And she explained in a statement: "The project is now in the stages of experimental work, and it is hoped that it will be received by the Ministry of Oil in a final manner during the month of July."

    And she added: "The refinery aims to increase the production of oil derivatives, improve their characteristics and fill the market's need. Among those important products are aviation fuel, fuel gas, liquid gas, kerosene, gasoline, as well as gasoline, whose purity It reaches 95 octane and adheres to the Iraqi environmental law.[/rtl]
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    Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline Empty Re: Central refineries: Karbala refinery covers 70% of the local need for gasoline and gasoline

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