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    The Iraqi Council of Ministers approves a package of decisions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The Iraqi Council of Ministers approves a package of decisions Empty The Iraqi Council of Ministers approves a package of decisions

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Dec 2022, 6:16 am

    The Iraqi Council of Ministers approves a package of decisions

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    2022-12-06 11:03

    Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Council of Ministers decided, on Tuesday, to allocate 250 billion dinars in the next year's budget to support the yellow corn crop, and to allocate land in Mosul to build a residential complex.

    The media office of the Prime Minister stated in a statement received by Shafaq News agency, that the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, chaired today the seventh regular session, during which developments in the general situation in the country were discussed, and a number of important files and issues were discussed, in addition to discussing the topics on the agenda. business, and make the necessary recommendations and decisions in their regard.
    Al-Sudani stressed during the session that foreign visits help in crystallizing balanced foreign relations, provided that the visits are not formalities, but work to transform them into real work projects.
    Al-Sudani directed that the ministers, in their field visits to the governorates, focus on infrastructure projects and that their decisions in those field visits are in line with the government's priorities in its ministerial curriculum, stressing also the need to move towards strategic projects.
    Within the framework of advancing the agricultural reality in Iraq, and for the purpose of supporting farmers and farmers for the current agricultural season, the Council of Ministers decided to authorize the Minister of Agriculture to purchase 60,000 tons of "Al-Dab" fertilizer, at a rate not exceeding the price of one million and 550,000 dinars per ton, an additional quantity previously contracted. amounting to 90 thousand tons, from the Ministry of Industry, and as an exception to the contracting methods stipulated in Article 3 of the instructions for implementing government contracts No. 2 of 2014, and the instructions for implementing the federal budget in force.
    The Council of Ministers also approved the use of duly approved private sector laboratories to ensure that the yellow corn crop is not lost, and to authorize the Ministry of Agriculture to contract directly with them as an exception to contracting methods, and to use the Ministry of Defense’s airports as spaces for receiving corn cobs under the management and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture.
    The Council also agreed to include in the 2023 budget an amount of 250 billion dinars for the purpose of completing the purchase of yellow corn for the current season 2022, provided that the budget law includes a provision according to which the proceeds of selling yellow corn to livestock breeders transfer 70% to the public treasury, and 30% to each of the two companies of the Ministry of Agriculture. "Mesopotamia for Seeds" and "Iraqi Seeds Production".
    The Council also agreed to approve the amendment of Cabinet Resolutions 287 of 2021 and 179 of 2022, and the transfer of ownership of 3,000 dunums from the Ghazlani camp to the current Ministry of Defense to be used according to its purposes and objectives without compensation, provided that it is not used as military headquarters or barracks, and the remaining area of ​​the camp is allocated To establish a residential investment project to be announced by the Ministry of Finance.
    And he agreed to announce the special form to fill the vacancy in the membership of the Federal Service Council prepared by the Customs Order Committee 27 of 2021, and to accompany the linking of the Federal Service Council letter numbered (M.R / 19), dated April 4, 2021, in accordance with the conditions mentioned in Article 5. From the Federal Service Council Law 4 of 2009.
    The Council also approved the amendment of Paragraph 2 of Cabinet Resolution 295 of 2022 regarding the Al-Khader and Al-Darraji water project in Al-Muthanna Governorate.
    The Council also authorized the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works to sign the financing agreement between German development and the Iraqi government as soon as possible.
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