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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Agriculture distances itself from “investing dates” and wastes revenues sufficient for a budget of 1

    Admin Assist
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    Agriculture distances itself from “investing dates” and wastes revenues sufficient for a budget of 1 Empty Agriculture distances itself from “investing dates” and wastes revenues sufficient for a budget of 1

    Post by Rocky Fri 20 Jan 2023, 5:09 am

    [size=30]Agriculture distances itself from “investing dates” and wastes revenues sufficient for a budget of 14 years!

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    Today, Friday, the Ministry of Agriculture acknowledged the main problem facing the process of exporting dates in Iraq, represented by poor packaging, while “Yess Iraq” had prepared, earlier, a report monitoring Iraq’s loss of 7 trillion dinars annually, due to its “inability” to take the initiative of packing and exporting. Dates, and sell them as is.
    The ministry’s advisor, Mahdi Al-Qaisi, said, “The documented Iraqi varieties of dates amount to about 625 varieties, some of which are commercial and industrial, and dual-purpose, that is, for manufacturing and food consumption. Through packaging at a level commensurate with the importance of dates and their nutritional and economic value.
    Al-Qaisi added, “The private sector is responsible for that, and even the ascetic dates, which constitute about 70% of Iraqi dates, are supposed to improve their export, manufacture, and benefit from them in manufacturing, such as extracting liquid sugar, industrial materials, and other uses that are used as substitutes for sugar in many confectionery industries.” pastries and even soft drinks.”
    And he continued: “Iraqi dates did not take their role in the manufacturing process or in the marketing process, so that we would raise their economic value and their usefulness in terms of supporting the economy of our country, but our merchants resort, very unfortunately, to exporting (full) dates without packing and packaging, and this is a problem facing Iraqi dates, but the Ministry of Agriculture is not responsible for it, but it is the responsibility of the private sector, which should improve the productivity and export of dates.”
    Iraq is considered a major source of dates over the past years, but the Iraqi production of dates declined and lost about 50% of its palm trees, in addition to the weakness of marketing, manufacturing and packaging industries.
    Iraq had more than 32 million palm trees in the fifties, to drop to the lowest level in 2012 to only 15 million palm trees, while it returned to partially increase in 2020 to 19 million palm trees.
    Iraq's recent production of dates has reached nearly one million tons annually, of which 800,000 tons are exported through investors, due to the weak government capacity for bottling and packaging, where the investor buys dates from the farmer at a price of 700,000 dinars per ton, and he cans them or buys them from other neighboring countries to Iraq and they sponsor It can be packaged and sold at higher prices.
    This was indicated by the Directorate of Agriculture of Karbala, where the Director of Agriculture in the province, Mahdi Al-Janabi, says that “there is no government marketing of dates in a proper manner, and marketing them is now in the hands of foreign merchants and not in the hands of Iraqi merchants,” noting that he “witnessed with his own eyes in India, Iraqi dates sold as Emirati, at a price equivalent to approximately 9,000 Iraqi dinars.”
    It is clear from this, that the state’s “inability and failure” to establish canning factories and market Iraqi dates after purchasing them from the farmer, the state lost billions of dollars, while the price of one kilo of dates is sold for 9 thousand dinars, this means that one ton may reach 9 million dinars in If it was sold retail, instead of 700 thousand dinars, which merchants buy from Iraqi farmers for one ton, to achieve profits dozens of times.
    And while Iraq possesses 800,000 tons annually ready for export and can be sold retail after being packaged at a price of 9 million dinars per ton, this means that more than 7 trillion Iraqi dinars can enter Iraq annually, a figure that can cover 10% of the budget.
    In greater clarity, the annual budget of the Ministry of Agriculture does not exceed 500 billion dinars (half a trillion dinars), which means that date revenues alone are capable of filling the entire budget of the Ministry of Agriculture for a period of 14 years! This means that date revenues amount to 14 times the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture.
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