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    Al-Sudani reveals the details of his meeting with Turkish investors: This is about money transfers

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    details - Al-Sudani reveals the details of his meeting with Turkish investors: This is about money transfers Empty Al-Sudani reveals the details of his meeting with Turkish investors: This is about money transfers

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Mar 2023, 3:51 pm

    Al-Sudani reveals the details of his meeting with Turkish investors: This is about money transfers

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani affirmed, on Wednesday, the government's commitment to removing all obstacles that impede business with Turkish businessmen and investors in Iraq.
    The Prime Minister told state television, "Today we held an extensive meeting with Turkish businessmen and investors, and most of the attendees have been in Iraq and have been working for a long time. We listened to a number of obstacles that hinder their work, and at the same time they explained the specializations and fields of work of their companies."
    He added, "Through this review, we found that most of these specializations and these works fall within the government's priorities, which are affirmed to improve services and diversify the economy by activating the national industry, agriculture, road projects, energy transmission, and hospitals."
    He continued, "The government is committed to removing all obstacles, and we announced that the Ministry of Interior has given the Iraqi embassy in Ankara and the consulates in Istanbul and Gaziantep powers to facilitate the granting of entry visas, and we will discuss providing more facilities regarding financial transfers through local and foreign banks approved by the Central Bank."
    He pointed out, "The talk is now in two parts: the first is granting entry visas to investors, and we are keen to show more facilities, and the second is related to Turkish labor, and this is subject to the approval of the Ministries of Labor and Interior, and there is also a mechanism to facilitate the granting of visas, and for Iraqis there is a flow in granting visas by the Turkish side." There are companies located in most of the governorates to grant approvals through an applied mechanism.
    He pointed out, "Iraq is serious today in expanding and developing aspects of cooperation with Turkey, and during the visit we held serious and fruitful discussions and announcing the development path project is one of the most important fruits of this visit, which is a vital project not only for the region but for the whole world."
    On the water file, Al-Sudani affirmed, "Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made an important decision regarding increasing water releases, which will contribute to providing drinking water to the provinces. This file will be subject to technical reading and exchange of views through joint committees to secure fair and rational shares in light of the conditions of scarcity to deliver water to the provinces." center and south".

    Views 185
    Added 03/22/2023 - 6:21 PM

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