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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The ambassador's statements are sovereign violations... and the absence of a response harms Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The ambassador's statements are sovereign violations... and the absence of a response harms Iraq Empty The ambassador's statements are sovereign violations... and the absence of a response harms Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Jun 2024, 4:57 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]The ambassador's statements are sovereign violations... and the absence of a response harms Iraq[/size]
    • June 15 20:08


    Information / Baghdad.. 
    Before assuming the position, Tracy Jacobson adopted the American government’s approach to dealing with the Iraq file, blatant interventions that indicate political impudence and a violation of sovereignty. Iraqi internal affairs are not part of the work of any ambassador who comes to Iraq, except the American embassy, ​​and what happened during Romanski’s time and its blatant interventions are the best evidence. 
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    *Limiting its role   
    Speaking about this file, Al-Fatah Alliance member Ayed Al-Hilali stressed the need for the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to respond to the statements of the new American ambassador regarding Iraqi internal affairs, stressing that the Iraqi government should limit the role of the ambassador and not interfere in the country’s internal issues. 
    Al-Hilali said in a statement to Al-Maaloma Agency, “The former American ambassador, Elena Romanski, interfered a lot in internal Iraqi affairs, and therefore the role of the new ambassador must be limited to prevent the violations from recurring,” noting that “the new ambassador’s statements will not affect the government’s confidence in the Iraqi security forces, especially The popular crowd".   
    He continues, "The celebrations taking place in the Iraqi street on the occasion of the anniversary of the fatwa of the Sufficient Jihad and the founding of the Popular Mobilization Forces, in the presence of the Sudanese Prime Minister, are conclusive evidence of the government's rejection of the new ambassador's statements," calling on "the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to address the American authorities and reject interference in internal affairs."  
    In addition, political analyst Maher Abdel Joudeh saw the statements of the new American ambassador to Iraq as a clear violation of Iraqi sovereignty, stressing that America sees Iraq as part of its political orbit and this concept is wrong.  
    Judeh said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “American policy sees Iraq as part of its international orbit in a wrong perception,” noting that “the statements of the new American ambassador to Iraq are a clear violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”  
    He continues, "The American interference in Iraqi affairs comes as a result of the American Federal Reserve's control of Iraqi funds," pointing out that "the previous political regime before 2003 bears responsibility for these statements and America's control over the Iraqi economy."  
    It is noteworthy that the new candidate for the position of US ambassador to Iraq, in her speech before the US Senate, attacked Iraqi segments, including the Popular Mobilization Forces, which generated a wave of popular and political discontent. Ended 25/J
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