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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Despite their large numbers, a shocking percentage of government and private banking services in Ira

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    Despite their large numbers, a shocking percentage of government and private banking services in Ira Empty Despite their large numbers, a shocking percentage of government and private banking services in Ira

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Aug 2024, 6:59 am

    Despite their large numbers, a shocking percentage of government and private banking services in Iraq
    • Time: 2024/08/02 14:03:23
    • Read: 507 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} A government advisor revealed a shocking percentage and number of banking services in the public and private sectors provided to the public in Iraq.
    Mazhar Mohammed Saleh told {Al Furat News} agency, "The point of stability in the banking market in particular and the financial market in general is not the large number of private banks and financial companies, but rather the point of achieving (financial depth), which means how much banking and financial activities and services contribute to the growth of the country's annual gross domestic product, i.e. through the breadth of services provided by these banking companies to the public in terms of quality and quantity to maximize the added value in economic activity."
    He added that these banking services "in the gross domestic product revolve around a growth rate that does not exceed 1.5% in most cases, which is a low percentage compared to developed countries where this percentage rises to more than 20%."
    Saleh explained that "based on this, the solidity and stability of the financial and banking market in particular is measured by the number of services provided to the public, and the number of its services still does not exceed 12 services at best, while it should rise to 45 banking services as a minimum."
    "As for banking density, which is measured by the population's share of bank branch services, despite the huge number of government and private banks, the share of their branches in providing banking services to the population is still low," he continued. "
    It is noted that the services of a single branch of these banks are still not commensurate with the population, and the banking density in our country is about 40,000 people per branch on average, while it should not exceed ten thousand people per branch unless it is less, as is the case in developed countries, where a single branch provides its services to an average of no more than six thousand people per bank branch."

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