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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Arrest warrant issued against Iraqi TikToker "Hoshos"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Arrest warrant issued against Iraqi TikToker "Hoshos" Empty Arrest warrant issued against Iraqi TikToker "Hoshos"

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Aug 2024, 4:50 am

    Arrest warrant issued against Iraqi TikToker "Hoshos"

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    2024-08-03 04:34

    Shafaq News/ A source in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior reported on Saturday that an arrest warrant was issued against the well-known Iraqi TikToker, "Anad Khaled", nicknamed "Hoshos", on charges of indecent content.
    The source told Shafak News Agency, "After taking legal measures by the Low Content Committee in the Ministry of Interior, an arrest warrant was issued for 'Hushus'."
    Since February 2023, the Ministry of Interior and the Supreme Judicial Council have been waging a campaign to prosecute those accused of publishing “indecent content” on social media, and as a result arrest warrants and prison sentences have been issued against several people.
    In the same month, the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced that it had received 96,000 reports of “indecent content” via the “Balag” platform that it launched on its official website, while threatening any officer who proves his relationship with publishers of “indecent content and bloggers” with legal action.
    Recently, videos of celebrities have been widely broadcast on social media, in which they present vulgar content that is not in line with the general culture and societal customs and traditions, according to what activists and social affairs observers have observed.
    However, activists warn that the campaign could turn into a project to silence people and threaten freedom of expression, under the pretext of “low” content for which no specific standards have been set. They question the mechanisms and standards for determining low content from positive content, which according to them are “loose” and not subject to explicit and binding legal texts.
    The “elastic” terms used in laws related to freedom of expression have long angered activists and journalists in the country, as they believe that the term “public order” which is not subject to a specific definition by the authorities has provided a large area for undermining freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration in the country.
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