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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday

    Interacting Investor
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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday Empty Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday

    Post by lonelyintexas Thu 22 Oct 2015, 10:34 am

    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday

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    announced the parliamentary finance committee member Ahmed Sarhan, Thursday, that the 2016 draft budget will be presented for the first reading by members of the House of Representatives during a parliament session next Tuesday.

    Said Sarhan for "Eye Iraq News", that "the result of the economic conditions experienced by the country, there is great hope the completion of the first reading of the draft 2016 budget by members of the House of Representatives session of parliament next Tuesday."

    He added that "the political blocs planned to pass the 2016 budget as a result of the situation in the country and the need of funds for the conduct of the various projects which stalled for lack of financial allocations."

    He called Sarha Ahmed "Aedacil MPs need to vote on the budget for the project in 2016 in order to exchange entitlements ministries and the conduct of their work."

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    Ok so first session Tuesday, remember they have 11 days to pass and vote or they will have to extend parliament session by 30 days to get'r done.
    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday Empty Reduction of government expenditures provided 7 trillion budget .. and will be subject to the salary

    Post by day dreamer Thu 22 Oct 2015, 10:26 pm

    10/22/2015 (00:01 pm) - 

    [ltr]Reduction of government expenditures provided 7 trillion budget .. and will be subject to the salary scale for the study of Parliament [/ltr]

    BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah

    [ltr] Parliamentary Finance Committee suggest the arrival of the draft federal budget law for 2016 to Parliament early next week. The Committee expressed optimism by passing the budget "with ease", revealing formed a committee to review the Cabinet decision on reducing the salaries of the staff.
     The cabinet approved on Sunday, the draft federal budget for fiscal year 2016, which amounted to 106 trillion dinars law, and a deficit estimated at about 22 trillion dinars.
    The Ministry of Finance, announced on the 15th of September 2015, for the provision of public financial budget for next year 2016, the Council of Ministers, while confirming that the formulation has been lowering overhead and struggling waste in state revenues and diversify sources of national income. 
    MP says Hossam punitive, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, said that "early next week will see the arrival of the budget bill to the House of Representatives to make some amendments and additions," pointing to "It's the first time that will send the budget within the constitutional timing." 
    He punitive, told the (range), "The Finance Committee will conduct a study of government expenditures for 2015 and the light will be the allocation of funds to ministries and government departments in the budget next year," noting that "the parliamentary Finance will hold a transaction in the doors of the budget in order to provide the necessary funds ".
    He MP for the Liberal bloc that "the operating budget is divided into two categories, which includes compensation of employees (salaries), who had his sums of up to 40 trillion, and the second includes the service and goods, social welfare and the ration card and petty cash and luxuries, etc. which spotted her 43 trillion dinars."
      The member of the Finance Committee that "the current budget was set at 83 trillion dinars, while investment amounted to 23 trillion dinars, and expenses amounting to a total of 106 trillion dinars and a projected deficit of more than 20 trillion dinars, almost." 
    And on the Council of Ministers decision to hold discounts on some grades, the punitive "says the Finance Committee began a study of the subject of reducing the salaries of the staff and it will end in the near time for adoption at the next year's budget." 
    And it asserts that "the Finance Committee would review all the paragraphs of the federal budget in consultation with the Council of Ministers in order to avoid any challenge in the federal budget law for next year." He revealed "a specific mechanism will be adopted by the Finance Committee to review and amend the draft budget to host all ministers and departments that will be adjusted their budgets." 
    In the same context, Mohamed Emeritus, economist and adviser to the House of Representatives, said that "the adoption of the draft federal budget law for 2016, is calculated by the Council of Ministers this project which will be sent to the House of Representatives next week," he says.
    He said Honorary (range), that "the general budget reduced the deficit of 30 trillion dinars ratio to 23 trillion dinars by reducing government spending," pointing out that "the budget was built on the calculation of the price of a barrel of oil to 45 dollars per barrel." 
    Parliamentary adviser said that "speculative oil revenues will amount to about 69 trillion dinars, according to the draft budget, added to 14 trillion dinars in non-oil revenues."
    So he says MP Ahmed Sarhan said that "the Finance Committee has not looked in detail the terms and paragraphs of the General Budget Law being not yet the Council of Ministers up to the parliament." 
    He said Ahmed, told the (range), that "the reduction of employees' salaries will be discussed at length within the Finance Committee," expected "to pass the budget in the House of Representatives easily project because of the stifling conditions experienced by Iraq." 
    He noted a member of the Finance Committee that "the budget identified 17% of the budget for the size of the region of Kurdistan."

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    Interacting Investor
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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday

    Post by Screwball Fri 23 Oct 2015, 2:50 am

    Specific mechanism to adjust their budgets! Hmmmm! Lol...

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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will be presented for the first reading session next Tuesday

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