BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq fired Michael Hayden , the CIA director last serious eye-too remarks in terms of severity, where he confirmed that several Arab states will disappear from theMiddle East roadmap soon, he said. The former security official US in his remarks to thenewspaper "Le Figaro" French yesterday evening: that at least there are two Arab countries woulddisappear from the Middle East soon, in light of the agreement , "Sykes - Picot" , which has theinitiative of the European powers in 1916 , the developing countries did to composition of its existence, as he put it . in addition, it was revealed the names of some countries that broke out wars, and stressed: "Let 's face it, there is no longer the existence of Iraq and Syria, and Lebanon in thedirection of failure." So he said. He continued: all this has become under many names , there is a"Daash" and al - Qaeda and the Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites, under the former name is Syria and Iraq, as he put it . He concluded Hayden to say in his interview to the French newspaper: Now make sure these facts, we believe that the region live instability and it will remain the same in theyears to come if you do not lift a finger, according to the recipe. Hadden stressed that the Shiite alliance and the leaders of the political process and Iran 's policy to blame for the disappearance ofIraq from the international map.