News / Basra
revealed the Basra Governorate Council, on Tuesday, about the existence of serious efforts to establish a mixed - sector company take on the implementation of investment projects, as demonstrated Union of Entrepreneurs objection to these trends, and considered it a violation of the law. The head of the reconstruction and development of the provincial council flower Hamza Albjara in an interview for Alsumaria News, " theprovincial council in the process of discussion of the proposed project to establish acompany privately owned so no more than 49% of its shares, and the remainder held by the local government , " indicating that " the project has its first reading during theprevious meeting of the Council, after which he was handed over to legal and administrative committee for the purpose of his study. "

Albjara he pointed out that " a lot of members of the Council have convinced of theimportance of the establishment of the company to take on the implementation ofinvestment projects include a variety of sectors , including industry, ports, housing, roads and bridges , " adding that " the federal government has already issued adecision allowing the establishment of local governments in the provinces to establish companies according to the guidelines. " confirmed the chairman of the Committee that" there are similar experiences in the Gulf states will benefit from them in thedrafting of the founding of the company. " for his part, chairman of the Union ofentrepreneurs in Basra Sabih al - Hashemi said in an interview with Alsumaria News's, said that" the movements of the provincial council , aimed at set up a company is illegal because Iraqi law does not allow local governments to manage companies, and therefore do not agree with the Council in this aspect , "explaining that" entrepreneurs and business owners in the province also have the right to worry about the monopoly of that company for government projects in the event of its founding. " the Basra includes thousands of local businesses, and the proportion of not a few of those specialized companies in the construction contracting business, and most of them havegained over the past years , the reputation is not good due to the poor majority ofgovernment projects implemented by the contract with the Office of the province. It is said that all public service projects that were under halt execution carried out with theexception of two or three projects , including a project to build a bridge of martyr Mohammed Baqir al - Sadr on the Shatt al - Arab , which is implemented by thecompany (Mick) Italian, as the federal government did not agree to the implementation of new projects in the province during the first half of this year due to the financial hardship resulting from lower oil prices, so the local government is trying to implement service projects necessary payment on credit formula, also revived the idea of founding the company in partnership with the private sector.