BAGHDAD / network news Iraq urged Iran 's Interior Ministry on Saturday, nationals of Iranian pilgrims participants visited forty in Iraq to return "calmly" to Iran, with the delay in their return proposed for several days after the end of the visit to avoid get great momentum at border ports, indicated Back around 400,000 visits to Iran until Alan.oukal Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fadel, in comments carried by the statements agency Tasnim Iran today: " the ministry urges Iranian pilgrims participants visited forty in Iraq, totaling more than two million visitors to return gradually to Iran and delaying their return to Iran for several days after the end of the visit on 20 from this November to avert a significant momentum at border crossing points . "he added Fadel that" so far returned about 400,000 Iranian pilgrims coming from Iraq after performing the rituals of the visit, "adding that it" urges visitors others not to flow once large numbers of border crossing points at the end of the visit on Sunday . "he pointed Iran 's interior minister that" he is still the Iranians can travel to Iraq by air or by land across the perpetrators of Shalamcheh and attractive pillars , "asserting that" Zurbatiyah port still closed by the Iraqi authorities . "He Fadel said that" traffic congestion when Zurbatiyah port as well as the presence of large numbers of Iranian visitors who do not have a visa condition caused chaos at the port , which called on the Iraqi authorities to close temporarily. "