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    What countries that America told her Pthrkha in Syria?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    What countries that America told her Pthrkha in Syria? Empty What countries that America told her Pthrkha in Syria?

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Apr 2017, 1:19 am

    What countries that America told her Pthrkha in Syria?

     Washington / AFP

    America reported a group of countries to launch their intention missile strikes on the military air base of the Syrian army. The US military launched Friday .59 missiles "Tomahawk" from Navy destroyers Tabeitn on the military air base capillaries in the countryside of Homs , central Syria, in an American response to the chemical attack in the town of Khan Sheikhun in Idlib days ago. French diplomatic sources confirmed that Washington was briefed Paris on the US strikes without asking their cooperation. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the United States informed France in advance missile strike on Syrian military sites. The US Defense Department said it was told by Russian forces before launching missile strikes on Syria sites. " The Pentagon" The strikes did not target parts of the military base , which is believed to be Russian troops are stationed where, stressing that Washington informed Russian forces missile strike on Syria capillaries base. The British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said the United States informed the Prime Minister Theresa May ordered missile strikes launched before.
    According to a military spokeswoman also told AFP that the Israeli army " was informed in advance of the US attack in Syria , " saying that he "totally supported". Syria , which witnessed the attack, said Minister of Information , in which the US strike was unexpected and limited and ruled out a US military escalation.
    According to German government spokesman, on Friday, that the United States notified the Berlin strikes addressed to an air base in Syria shortly before its
    implementation. An official at the German Foreign, said that the United States gave the impression of Berlin during the contact with her, at night, that the attack is limited and targeted.

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