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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 2:54 am

    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and certificate


    Rafidain Bank announced that the granting of ten advance to the salaries of the ministries and state institutions are calculated through the fixed allocation "marital certificate" for an employee that no more than 10 million dinars.

    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement obtained "direction Press" a copy of it, that "the Bank has set legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be paid in a period of five years, and equal monthly installments."

    He noted that "the interest rate of 9% per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with the advance premiums month after the grant date."

    He explained that "the ten salaries, an advance be calculating the nominal salary of the employee with marital allowances and certificate."

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Al-Rafidain: The ten-salary advance shall be calculated by calculating the nominal salary with the m

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 3:28 am

    Al-Rafidain: The ten-salary advance shall be calculated by calculating the nominal salary with the matrimonial and certificate allowances

    Editorial date: 2017/4/10

    The Rafidain Bank announced that the grant of the ten salaries of ministries and state institutions will be through the calculation of fixed allocations [marital and certificate] for the employee to not more than 10 million dinars.
    The bank's information office said in a statement received by the agency All Iraq [where] a copy of it, "The bank has set legal conditions to grant the advance to employees with a payment period of five years, and in installments equal monthly."
    He pointed out that "the interest rate 9% per annum is calculated in a decreasing installment and paid in installments fixed installments with the advance one month from the date of grants."
    He explained that "the advance of the ten salaries shall be calculated by calculating the nominal salary of the employee with the provisions of marriage and testimony."

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Rafidain Bank: advance ten salaries be calculated with the nominal salary and allowances of marital

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 3:38 am

    Rafidain Bank: advance ten salaries be calculated with the nominal salary and allowances of marital certificate

    Rafidain Bank announced that the granting of ten advance to the salaries of the ministries and state institutions are calculated through the fixed allocation [marital certificate] employee that no more than 10 million dinars.

    He said the media office of the bank, the 'Bank to develop legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be paid in a period of five years, in equal monthly installments.'

    He noted that the 'interest rate of 9% per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with the advance premiums month after the grant date.'

    He explained that the 'ten salaries , an advance be calculating the nominal salary of the employee with marital allowances and certificate'.

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Iraq issued a statement on the ten advance salaries for employees

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 3:40 am

    Iraq issued a statement on the ten advance salaries for employees

    It announced  the Rafidain Bank , on Monday, that the granting of ten advance to the salaries of the ministries and state institutions are calculating the nominal salary of the employee with marital allowances and certificate.

    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement , "Economy News" received a copy of it that " the granting of ten advance salaries to the ministries and state institutions are calculating the nominal salary of an employee with a fixed allotment of the marital certificate should not exceed the advance of 10 million dinars."

    The office , "added the bank to develop legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be a period of paid 5 years and equal monthly installments , " he said, adding that " the interest rate of 9% per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with installments of the advance after a month from the date of grant ".
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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty New measures to advance the salaries of 10

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 3:52 am

    New measures to advance the salaries of 10

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News

    Rafidain Bank on Monday confirmed that the granting of ten advance to the salaries of the ministries and state institutions are calculated through the fixed allocation (marital certificate) for an employee not to increase the amount of 10 million dinars.

    The bank said in a statement, seen by the "Journal News", that "the Bank has set legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be paid in a period of 5 years and equal monthly installments."

    The statement added, "The advance of the ten salaries to be calculating the nominal salary of the employee with marital allowances and certificate", stressing that "the interest rate of 9% per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with installments of the advance month after the grant date."

    The bank, called on Sunday, ministries and state institutions covered by the ten salaries to the distribution of an advance forms prepared by the bank on their employees who wish to grant the advance for the purpose of filling.

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Rafidain Bank announces the calculation of fixed allocations ten salaries an advance

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 4:22 am

    Rafidain Bank announces the calculation of fixed allocations ten salaries an advance

    Twilight News / Rafidain Bank announced on Monday that the granting of salaries to advance ten ministries and state institutions are calculated through the fixed allocation "marital certificate" for an employee not to exceed 10 million dinars.

    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement, it was reported to Twilight News, that the bank is establishing legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be paid for (5 years) and equal monthly installments.

    The statement added that the interest rate (9%) per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with the advance premiums month after the grant date.

    The statement went on to advance ten salaries be calculating the nominal salary of an employee with a certificate of marital and allowances.

    The bank called on Sunday ministries and state institutions covered by the ten salaries to the distribution of an advance forms prepared by the bank on their employees who wish to grant the advance for the purpose of filling.

    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement that the bank face of the ministries or departments concerned to submit the names covered by the imprest employees under the advance request prepared by the public administration, in the form of meals that form the total meal does not exceed 100 employees as a first stage.

    He said the ministry or department concerned bears responsibility for any student grants and advance the responsibility to repeat the health of the archives attached with the application forms and support the advance so

    He explained that the forms stamped the seal of authenticity of the information contained in the required documents by the Administrative Department of the concerned directorate official and send all the information, however, authorized the directorate concerned. The bank added that the receipt of the advance monthly repayments will be by the department concerned under the approved instrument and within ten days from the date of receipt of salary, however.


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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Iraq announces the calculation of fixed allocations ten salaries an advance

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 4:26 am

    Iraq announces the calculation of fixed allocations ten salaries an advance

    April 10 .2017 - 9:07 | Number of Views: 718  

    Sommer News: Baghdad  
    announced Rafidain Bank on Monday that the granting of salaries to advance ten ministries and state institutions are calculated through the fixed allocation "marital certificate" for an employee not to exceed 10 million dinars.  
    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement, he followed "Sommer News", the Bank has set legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be paid for (5 years) and equal monthly installments.
    The statement added that the interest rate (9%) per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with the advance premiums month after the grant date.
    The statement went on to advance ten salaries be calculating the nominal salary of an employee with a certificate of marital and allowances.
    The bank called on Sunday ministries and state institutions covered by the ten salaries to the distribution of an advance forms prepared by the bank on their employees who wish to grant the advance for the purpose of filling.
    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement that the bank face of the ministries or departments concerned to submit the names covered by the imprest employees under the advance request prepared by the public administration, in the form of meals that form the total meal does not exceed 100 employees as a first stage.
    He said the ministry or department concerned is responsible for grants repeat any student advance and responsibility for the health of the archives attached with the forms requested the advance and support it  
    and explained that the forms stamped the seal of authenticity of the information contained in the required documents by the Administrative Department of the concerned directorate official and send all the information , however , authorized the directorate concerned. The bank added that the receipt of the advance monthly repayments will be by the department concerned under the approved instrument and within ten days from the date of receipt of salary , however.

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Vice talking about ten advance salaries and confirms that it adds a "burden" on the employee

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 6:26 am

    Vice talking about ten advance salaries and confirms that it adds a "burden" on the employee

    Monday, April 10, 2017 13:12

    News / Baghdad
    called a member of the parliamentary finance committee MP Hussam punitive Monday, the Ministry of Finance and the banks , Rafidain and Rasheed and Iraqi trade to the modification decision and procedures for the granting of advances to employees, noting that those procedures and conditions add a "burden" on the employee.

    Said Punitive in an interview with Alsumaria's News, said that "the Ministry of Finance and the banks , Rafidain and Rasheed and Trade Bank of Iraq can not modify the final decision on the granting of advances to state employees , " noting that " the decision to grant advances to staff includes that the interest rate is 9% while in Previous 7%. "
    Iraq announces new controls for the granting of ten advance salaries to the staff of government departments
    Iraq: giving us circles employees Almutnh their salaries in advance and loans

    He added punitive "We hope we are members of the Finance Committee and state employees to the benefit of the 7% lower rather than increase , " he said, adding that " the duration of the payment of the advance of a maximum of five years while she was in the past 10 years, and this leads to increased payment in the monthly salary."

    " The resolution also includes the granting of an advance ten salaries and not as it was previously 10 million dinars for each employee," wondering "if the 10 million dinars do not work Shi Iraqi family, how if it was granted only ten nominal salaries, at a time that the average salary in nominal staff Iraq does not exceed 600 thousand dinars, while the biggest salary does not exceed 700 thousand dinars employees, it follows that the largest proportion of Iraq 's employees do not receive 10 million dinars. "

    Punitive noted that "there is increasing complexity and conditions and red tape between the General Administration of banks Barashid and Mesopotamia and between Iraq directorates such as education, health and others , " noting that " the employee who intends to get an advance needs to be 3 months or more to review because of these procedures and red tape."

    He said that the punitive "decisions granting previous advances better than the current", pointing out that "these advances add a burden on the employee and have no legal value."

    He said punitive "This advance is an attempt is incorrect from the Ministry of Finance , which can be called a truce and anesthesia is not useful," adding that it "does not achieve the desired benefit of the employees."

    Announced Rafidain Bank , on Monday that the granting of the salaries of the ten ministries advance and state institutions are calculating the nominal salary of the employee with marital allowances and certificate.

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Al-Rafidain Calculates the fixed allocations of ten salaries

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 6:59 am

    Al-Rafidain Calculates the fixed allocations of ten salaries

    economy Since 2017-04-10 at 10:04 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    Rafidain Bank announced on Monday that the grant of the ten salaries of ministries and state institutions will be calculated by calculating the nominal salary of the employee with the benefits of marriage and testimony.
    The bank's media office said in a statement received by Mawazine News that "the grant of the ten salaries of ministries and state institutions is to calculate the nominal salary of the employee with the fixed allocations of marriage and certificate, provided that the advance does not exceed 10 million dinars."
    The statement added that "the bank set legal conditions to grant the advance to employees with a repayment period of 5 years and in equal installments per month."
    He explained that "the interest rate 9% per annum is calculated in a reduced installment method and is paid in fixed installments with installment installments one month after the grant date." Ended 29 / a 43

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    Rafidain Bank: granting advance ten salaries for employees to be calculating marital allowances and  Empty Two Rivers: Ten advance salaries are calculated with the nominal salary and allowances of marital ce

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 9:17 am

    Two Rivers: Ten advance salaries are calculated with the nominal salary and allowances of marital certificate

    News Agency pratha 29 04/10/2017

    Rafidain Bank announced that the granting of ten advance to the salaries of the ministries and state institutions are calculated through the fixed allocation [marital certificate] employee that no more than 10 million dinars.

    The Information Office of the Bank said in a statement that "the Bank has set legal conditions for the granting of such advance staff to be paid in a period of five years and equal monthly installments."

    He noted that "the interest rate of 9% per annum is calculated on a straight declining and pay fixed installments with the advance premiums month after the grant date."

    He explained that "the ten salaries, an advance be calculating the nominal salary of the employee with marital allowances and certificate."

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