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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Challenges of Economic Reform Act

    Interacting Investor
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    Challenges of Economic Reform Act Empty Challenges of Economic Reform Act

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 26 Aug 2013, 8:11 am

    Challenges of Economic Reform Act

    26/08/2013 12:00 AM

    Yasser incumbent

    Economic reform in Iraq took his share of official statements and claims, parliamentary and media, and since the first day of the change and until this moment, all calls for economic reform after the distortions that hit the structure of the economy before and after the change, but the case went this way.

    Today has received circles of economic and interested and involved in economic affairs and with satisfaction the news of approval of the Council of Ministers for the Law of the economic reform and submit it to parliament in order legislation and approval, and the most prominent in the law it is based to achieve two main goals have always revolved statements and claims Bashonehma two shift economic policy towards the open market translation of the Constitution, which provided to consider this approach to economic policy in Iraq and the second is the establishment of a top economic council works on the implementation of this policy and the curriculum.

    It's important to discuss and simmer image of this new law and the requirements of applicable after pleading course, by the representatives of the people, starting to be noted that the Constitution guarantees a policy of open market any free economy say it without apprehension or shame, but that happened and is happening to this approach is hampered by other and the intercessor the continuity and permanence laws of totalitarianism which proved its failure in the experiment and the important question that arises now Is that the new economic reform law and the proposal would eliminate the old laws and cumbersome for this approach?.

    Then the establishment Supreme Alaguetsidi Council proposed formation mm consists Wi-efficient elements join him? These questions require political will and courage to answer honestly and transparency in order to go with this benevolent efforts in vain without achieving the goals of the reform and its new law.

    For the power of discharge that must be included in the new law are summarized in its ability to eliminate any trace of the laws of the ancient notes that the overlap in the laws and the continued acceptance together opened the options in front of spoilers to exploit these gaps and implement the ambitions of personal increased and deepened the rampant corruption in some joints that allow laws Bsrianha, this is an essential point to break the law to achieve integrated goals with ease and binding for all without implementation options according to the desires and interests.

    As regards Supreme Economic Council the same is it about it is important as a complement to the force of law and implemented faithfully and requirements for the success of this Council that includes people who specialists and highly qualified and they are many, but most importantly that they shall be faithful to the first objective of the law, a policy of open economy in order to Aatosr law enforcement ideas old does not correspond stage This change Tress clear and undiagnosed in most of the professionals and even for those who play on the chordal totalitarian regime and heat must be excluded from the Council for ICON hampering to its They also Mchkson.

    Another important note must be pointed her regarding the balance of the members of this Council what is required choose elements known their efficiency from both the public and private sectors and if they do not feed the new economic elements of the private sector and rely entirely on public sector representatives, recite the Board of peace because he will turn to the survival of the conflict eternal between the private and Shafi'i In this view that the people of Mecca know the reefs because the representatives of the private sector are the closest to the system of free and open market and thus guarantee an unqualified success successful and influential law to achieve the desired economic reform.

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    This article is telling us some of the reasons why it has taken so long to do economic reform .
    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    Challenges of Economic Reform Act Empty Re: Challenges of Economic Reform Act

    Post by wayoutnow Mon 26 Aug 2013, 9:22 am

    This has great insight into open market , reform act and the economic law s . Free market will set us free too !!!

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