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    International coalition confirms its commitment to help Iraq after the completion of "urging"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    International coalition confirms its commitment to help Iraq after the completion of "urging" Empty International coalition confirms its commitment to help Iraq after the completion of "urging"

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Sep 2017, 4:35 am

    International coalition confirms its commitment to help Iraq after the completion of "urging"

    International coalition spokesman Ryan Dillon said Saturday that the role of the international coalition against a US-led "push" after the defeat of the organization in Iraq would be to help the Iraqi government stabilize the areas liberated from the grip of insurgents.
    Responding to questions from followers, one of them was about the Alliance's long-term strategy, Dillon said, "The Alliance is committed to helping Iraq stabilize the liberated areas of Darfur so that people can From returning to their homes. "
    "There is no time limit in this war, but there will be defeat everywhere, as in Ramadi, Falluja and Mosul," Dillon said. "The future can not be predicted, and we do not have a specific time to eliminate a preacher in Iraq, For a difficult battle in order to achieve victory. "
    The military official stressed that "Turkey is a crucial partner within the framework of the coalition," adding: "We coordinate with them every day to eliminate our common enemy, which is a calling organization."
    The United States has been leading an international coalition since September 2014 to fight a terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria.
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