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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    "In the name of the people" .. An accelerated parliamentary movement threatens to cancel the electio

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    "In the name of the people" .. An accelerated parliamentary movement threatens to cancel the electio Empty "In the name of the people" .. An accelerated parliamentary movement threatens to cancel the electio

    Post by Rocky Tue 22 May 2018, 2:24 am

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    "In the name of the people" .. An accelerated parliamentary movement threatens to cancel the election results and re-run
    As competing political blocs winning in the elections that took place on May 12 to form the largest bloc that emerge from the new government, emerged a parliamentary movement accelerated to submit a bill to cancel the results of the elections and to be held in December next
    The MP from the National Reform Movement Tawfiq al-Kaabi, there is a parliamentary group of 153 deputies formed for the purpose of canceling the recent elections and the dismissal of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
    "The work of parliament is still continuing until the end of June next and it is possible to hold extraordinary meetings for the purpose of following up the work of the Electoral Commission," he adds. "The House of Representatives is witnessing a serious move to cancel the election results and the dismissal of members of the Board of Commissioners."
    He pointed out that "the number of deputies objecting to the election results reached 153 deputies and could achieve a full quorum during the coming period."
    He added that "the demands of the deputies will include the re-elections or go to the process of counting and sorting by hand and cancel the results of voting abroad."
    And strengthens the speech of al-Kaabi to move seriously to cancel the election results, MP Jassim Mohammed when he talked about the proposal of a law prepared by the deputies of the parliamentary legal committee includes several paragraphs to cancel the results of the elections and the formation of a board of temporary commissioners of a number of judges, "noting that" legally the right of the House of Representatives Issuing a law or a decision to cancel the elections. "
    The Journal received a copy of a leaked document prepared by the current House of Representatives, talking about a proposal to cancel the parliamentary elections held on 12 May.
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    According to the document, the House of Representatives proposes the abolition of parliamentary elections, and re-election with the provincial elections on the 22 of December.
    The Parliament also proposed that the Supreme Judicial Council appoint nine judges to assume the powers of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission, in addition to a judge for each election office in each governorate starting July 1, until the final results of the elections are approved by the Federal Supreme Court.
    The document included a proposal to cancel the work of the electronic accelerator and the counting and sorting by hand, and proposed the dismissal of the members of the Electoral Commission, noting that the proposal provides that it does not work any law contrary to the law proposal in the document.
    The document pointed out that the reasons for this proposal are the legal and technical violations that affected the electoral process and the non-validity of electronic accelerators to work in the elections that took place on 12 May.
    According to expert legal expert Tariq Harb, the right of Parliament to vote on a bill to cancel the general elections, and to set a new date for elections in the event of proven default, noting that the work of parliament is still in force until July 1 next.
    "The electoral process was conducted in accordance with the law voted by the House of Representatives, and the latter can cancel the results of that process through an amendment to that law."
    This is reinforced by the statement of MP Mohammed al-Tai, that "the House of Representatives can meet the full quorum and submit a draft resolution on the Commission and the abolition of the election results and be signed by one and fifty deputies and is voted on approval to be approved and the cancellation of the results," asserting in the «Journal» that " It clashes with the political blocs, especially the winner, which does not allow such an idea or project to vote in the House of Representatives. "
    "The members of the House of Representatives during the current period can ask the Electoral Commission to re-count and manual counting by a certain percentage and if this matter reveals a lot of fraud," He said, "If proven fraud, the House of Representatives to question the Commission and vote on the dismissal, and refers to the Integrity Commission to investigate Complaints and documents submitted by voters, civil society organizations and observers, and then dismiss the violators of them. "
    The Independent High Electoral Commission announced the cancellation of 103 polling stations for legislative elections in five provinces.
    And referred the Prime Minister Haidar Abadi Council Commission to the Integrity Commission, against the background of not using a company and a test to ascertain the accuracy of counting and sorting devices, pointing to the existence of political parties seeking to replace the names of candidates winners other, and there is the process of adding votes to some of the candidates from the votes of voters outside Iraq.

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