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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sources: US Embassy leads secret movement to crack the files of prominent wanted government

    Admin Assist
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    Sources: US Embassy leads secret movement to crack the files of prominent wanted government Empty Sources: US Embassy leads secret movement to crack the files of prominent wanted government

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Jul 2018, 2:24 am

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    Sources: US Embassy leads secret movement to crack the files of prominent wanted government

    According to informed sources, the US embassy in Iraq is leading what it described as a "secret movement" to settle files related to some of the most wanted of the Iraqi government, pointing out to reach understandings about those personalities between political leaders with the Prime Minister and the President and the support of the United Nations mission and Washington to " "Files related to them.   
    Washington believes that the return of some Sunni figures required for the Iraqi judiciary to the political process will strengthen its position in Iraq as it tries to pressure the political blocs to negotiate the formation of the largest bloc of Shiite forces to settle the wanted list to bring them back to the political process, including Ayham al-Samarrai and Tariq al-Hashemi and Rafa al-Issawi, Political sources.
    "The American ambassador in Baghdad, Douglas Suleiman, is conducting intensive meetings with the Iraqi political leaders for the purpose of settling the file of those wanted for the Iraqi judiciary and returning them to the political process and to push the political figures lost and required in the next government," said political expert Adel al-Ardawi. 
    Informed sources told the Journal News that "a large movement is underway to clear the problem of the figures excluded from the political process in the country, and to issue judicial rulings against them, including charges of terrorism, communication and corruption."
    The sources, who did not want to reveal their names, that "a number of those who have been excluded from the political action will be able to come to Iraq and face the judiciary to acquit them, and thus return to political work."
    According to the same sources, "reached" political understandings on these personalities under judicial provisions, between political leaders with the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic and with the support of the United Nations Mission and Washington, with the aim of zero files related to them, "asserting that" contacts and meetings are underway on this file, And it is possible to resolve in the near future the return of some of them to Iraq. "

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