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    revealed new details on a network that siphons off Lebanese banks and Saddam Hussein's relationship

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     revealed new details on a network that siphons off Lebanese banks and Saddam Hussein's relationship Empty revealed new details on a network that siphons off Lebanese banks and Saddam Hussein's relationship

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Aug 2018, 2:51 am

    revealed new details on a network that siphons off Lebanese banks and Saddam Hussein's relationship[/size]
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     3 hours ago

    A few weeks ago, a campaign was launched on the application of the Wattas Aab, as well as through social networking sites targeting the bank Audi directly, accusing it of money laundering. And then launched a campaign rumors that the source of Baghdad, including a campaign on a number of Lebanese banks, most notably «Audi». Later, data emerged that Iraqi figures say deposits dating back to the days of former President Saddam Hussein have disappeared from their accounts in Lebanese banks, including Bank Audi.

    What is the matter?

    In the information, that a number of people submitted papers saying they have accounts in the bank «Audi» as in other banks, and the accounts worth more than hundreds of millions, but billions of dollars, and was deposited in the years preceding the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, The claim is due to special reasons and compelling circumstances. They claimed that the banks, including the bank «Audi» refused to acknowledge the existence of these accounts, and then launched a campaign through the sites of communication, including the application of «Watts Aab».

    The newspaper "Al Akhbar" Lebanese that it received from one of these, information turned out to be unfounded, and that the bank «Audi» in particular, asked his legal office to move to face this campaign, and then communicated with the Directorate General of Public Security in the person of its director General Abbas Ibrahim, who continued with the Iraqi official authorities, and exchanged information with the two parties.

    Later, the Iraqi authorities found that a large network of Iraqis and non-Iraqis, including Lebanese, had set up a plan to blackmail Audi and other banks.

    According to Iraqi sources, this incident took place in other countries, especially after the Iraqi government began to communicate with a number of capitals to reveal accounts belonging to the Iraqi treasury, either put names of Iraqis from the former regime, or on behalf of non-Iraqi personalities. The sources say that much money has been restored to the Iraqi treasury, but there are still outstanding accounts in several countries, especially those that adopt the banking secrecy system.

    For its part, the management of the Bank «Audi» prepared an integrated file and presented to Major General Ibrahim, who discussed with the Iraqi authorities, about a week ago, to reveal the chapters after the case, where the investigation led to data released by a statement on the Iraqi intelligence service, The General Directorate of the Lebanese General Security «has been revealed a network of fraud whose members publish false news and fabricated information for the purpose of extorting a number of Lebanese banks, claiming ownership of documents on balances with millions of US dollars in those banks. Members of the network filed lawsuits against some banks, the latest of which was the attempt to defraud Bank Audi, a well-known Lebanese bank, where it was proved that the documents submitted by them were forged, as well as broadcast and published fabricated news about those banks.

    For his part, Maj. Gen. Ibrahim revealed that the file "was completed last Wednesday, which necessitated my trip to Iraq and coordination with the Iraqi authorities, and I think we have succeeded to a large extent and we are looking for who is behind this gang because there is nothing by chance run hundreds of millions of dollars, Dollars.

    Ibrahim said that Audi is not the only target bank. "But there is more than one bank that was targeted, but the major operations were targeting Bank Audi, not only money and money, but also targeting through social networking sites from Iraq To distort and intercept the Lebanese banking sector », adding that the investigations« will appear if there are global networks behind this work ».

    Regarding the presence of Lebanese detainees in the network, Ibrahim said: "Of course, this network is large, because targeting this size, which may exceed one billion dollars is not the work of amateur or small gang, and we monitor this network for more than a year and follow it in public security. According to the investigations and what we have so far and the names we have obtained and provided by the Iraqi authorities, they are only in Iraq ».

    He said that «this network was based on the falsification of accounts and claim the possession of false balances in banks, and also targeting through social networking sites and falsification of papers were conducted on a regular basis».

    In a statement, Bank Audi expressed its gratitude to the Iraqi authorities and the General Directorate of Public Security in Lebanon, headed by Major General Ibrahim, and expressed his appreciation to the Lebanese judicial authorities for their "prominent role in asserting the rule of law and justice".

    The Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Wednesday the same case in which it said that Maher Rashid, an Iraqi resident in Kirkuk, was convinced of his simple life until he was convinced that 800 million dollars were deposited in his name at Bank Audi. The result was his arrest in Beirut for four months after it became clear that the documents he had provided were forged, revealing the top of the iceberg of an Iraqi gang trying to obtain money that is said to have been deposited by the former Iraqi regime with Lebanese banks Billions of dollars The names of people who have died or have been cut off, including those who dare not appear publicly.

    From Rasheed's story, which opened the way for Lebanese investigations in February, information began to circulate on more than one similar attempt with more than one Lebanese bank. A Lebanese source told Asharq Al-Awsat that Iraqi people arrived in Beirut two days ago carrying documents that they say prove the existence of $ 400 million in Lebanese banks. They try to hire Lebanese law firms to claim them, asserting that they were placed in two large Lebanese banks in 1999. That they soon evaporated with the news of the arrest of the main gang in Iraq. The sources said the Lebanese authorities were trying to make sure they were on Lebanese territory or were leaving.

    According to sources familiar with the file to «Middle East» that some of the documents were serious, but did not bear enough evidence, to show that the owners may be already familiar with the existence of accounts of this kind and have some documents on them, or they doubt the existence and visit documents on The basis of this information.

    In more than four documented cases, the gang attempted to obtain funds from Lebanese banks. In other cases, the gang attempted to extort money from these banks for "silence" or threatening to launch campaigns of questioning and distorting its activities, especially those operating in Iraq.

    According to sources in the Lebanese public security «Middle East» that the operation was fully coordinated between the Lebanese public security and the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, and required the transfer of Director-General of General Security, General Abbas Ibrahim to Baghdad to follow up the file. The sources pointed out that the Lebanese public security saw in the process «a threat to the reputation of the banking sector, which called for urgent action», praising the rapid Iraqi response to the subject. The sources pointed out that the gangs forged documents related to assets in Lebanese banks, and exercised a blackmail against these banks and threats to pollute their reputation and spread rumors about them, explaining that there are no Lebanese among those involved in these operations until now.

    The statement of the Iraqi security, announced the detection of a fraud network whose members are publishing false news and fabricated information in order to blackmail a number of Lebanese banks, claiming their ownership documents on the balances of millions of US dollars in those banks, adding that the network members filed lawsuits against some banks, On the bank "Bank Audi" one of the Lebanese banks known, where it was proved that the documents submitted by them forged, as well as broadcast and published fabricated news about those banks.

    For his part, Bank Audi issued a statement expressing its "sincere thanks to all concerned authorities whose intensive efforts and hard work have led to the application of the law to the perpetrators of these criminal acts."

    "We express our gratitude to the Iraqi authorities and the General Directorate of Public Security in Lebanon, headed by Major General Abbas Ibrahim, and our appreciation to the Lebanese judicial authorities for their prominent role in asserting the rule of law and justice. Bank Audi takes this opportunity to thank its clients and stakeholders for their confidence and to renew its commitment to maintaining its distinguished position and reputation in the banking sector in Lebanon and abroad.

    Last February, Lebanese authorities charged a network of three people, one of them a detainee and the other Faran, for attempting to defraud Bank Audi and claiming they had documents proving that they each received $ 400 million from a bank manager, Freddy Paz, . Lawyer Hussein Kazan told Asharq Al-Awsat that he had received a call from an Iraqi man requesting a meeting at his office in Beirut. The meeting took place with several people, including Maher Rashid, who explained that he has a bank deposit in Bank Audi in Lebanon A total value of eight hundred million US dollars students collect them either through negotiations and through the judiciary ». The lawyer was provided with copies of documents confirming the existence of the deposit, and Maher confirmed its authenticity. Kazan said he alerted his client to the responsibility that would be incurred if the documents were incorrect.

    After the lawyer became legal agent for the mentioned, he continued with the office of Samir Hanna, the general manager of Bank Audi, asking for a meeting to discuss the deposit order. It was agreed that the meeting between Kazan and the bank agent, which denied the authenticity of the documents confirming the deposit, To the general manager of Bank Audi, which shows his signature on a deposit of 400 million dollars and without presenting another document with a deposit of 400 million dollars on Freddie Paz, which shows his signature. After that, the lawyer Kazan filed a complaint against Maher Rachid to the bank requesting the deposit of his client the value of the deposit, but the bank's answer was to deny the existence of any deposit in the bank belonging to that person.

    The indictment issued by the Lebanese judiciary shows that Rashid admitted in the investigations that three months before his arrest, he received a call from a friend named Fuad Rasmi Muhammad, informing him that Mr. Al-Hajem had documents proving that $ 800 million of deposits were deposited with a bank in Lebanon. The former Iraqi in his name without his knowledge. And offered to help him obtain and cover all other expenses, while others were out of sight, while Rashid was unable even to secure the expenses of a lawyer to defend him during his arrest.


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